This article comes from the WeChat official account: Game time VGtime (ID: VGTIME2015) , Author: box, Word Problems from: Unreal 5 promotional video

For the Unreal Engine 5, which was announced not long ago, the tech gangs are full of praise. Of course, there are also voices saying that it is “just integration of old technology” and “the cake is too big.” Leaving aside these arguments, the vast majority of ordinary players are afraid that in addition to being able to understand the words “real-time lighting” and “no need to bake” at once, the intuitive Demo screen instead conveys more information.

Before that, including many people in my place, the relevant impressions accumulated in the past may come from another kind of “more local” advertisements, such as this:

The core host users ’concept of Unreal Engine mostly originated from” War Machine “released in 2006. At that time, Epic fully improved the animation, sound, rendering and physical effects of the 3.0 version engine, and enhanced the efficiency of lighting generation, which was amazing to the game’s outstanding performance. Therefore, before the advent of Cryengine 1.0, it can be said to be the technical benchmark for commercial engines.

Due to the unpredictable image, some domestic manufacturers, regardless of whether they have the core technology or not, also have to add “Unreal Engine” marketing rhetoric to their works, and it is widely used in mobile games, page games and online games. “Tuwei” propaganda.

Under repeated influence over ten years, in the eyes of many mild players, Unreal Engine has become synonymous with the picture and feel, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Chinese people have an “Unreal Engine Complex”. Recalling some symbolic elements, your first reaction may also be a more positive inherent impression. It’s just that behind the vulgar lines of “Building Unreal Engine”, it also contains a bumpy encounter in its development in China.

Official take the lead in doing things

The “War Machine” was born

NCSoft’s “Sword Spirit” is undoubtedly an iconic example. Due to the use of Jin Hengtai’s design, the female image is very plump and sexy, and under the blessing of Unreal 3, the character’s skin appears a greasy (In fact, the highlight transition is deliberately not smoothed) , which is quite gimmicky and has attracted a lot of attention from players.

How exaggerated? In 2011, the first test activation code of “Sword Spirit” in South Korea could be sold for 100,000 won (close to 600 yuan) . After the introduction of China, it was even worse. In a test in January 2013, the activation qualification of this game was once fired by profiteers to more than 2000 yuan . The so-called “yellow sex” is the first productive force, and many young men have left a very deep impression on Unreal Engine.

Objectively, these works are indeed based on Unreal Engine, which is understandable as a marketing selling point. But when a certain technology becomes a quality benchmark, merchants who hang sheep’s heads and sell dog meat come in one after another.