Functional modules are increasing rapidly, and business expansion is further accelerated.

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I learned that “ Huiyou Cloud Merchant ” recently completed the investment led by Yonghua Investment and Yunyue Kefeng Follow-up investment of tens of millions of yuan in Series B financing. This round of financing will mainly be used for product development and market expansion. After this round of financing, “Huiyou Cloud Business” has raised hundreds of millions of RMB in total. The shareholders cover well-known domestic B2B listed companies, such as UFIDA, 263, Zhiyuan Internet, etc.

36 Krypton once reported that Huiyou Cloud was established in 2015 , is a low-code aPaaS The way of the platform is to provide companies with digital upgrade services for enterprises in traditional industries and grassroots units of government.

In terms of enterprises, Huiyou Cloud’s business focuses on the enterprise’s external digital operation, that is, establishing a digital marketing cloud, focusing on the undertaking and operation of private domain traffic; in terms of government, Huiyou Cloud is mainly engaged in digital government’s Grassroots services and smart party building involve information upload and delivery, reporting, supervision, learning, convenience services, and rural revitalization.

In terms of business logic, Huiyou Cloud provides both SaaS application and aPaaS platform. The aPaaS platform can also provide services according to customer needs. Wenjie, the founder and CEO of Huiyou Cloud, told the company that the aPaaS platform is the foundation of Huiyou Cloud. The latest achievements include the rapid increase of mature function modules to more than 100, and the number of engines to more than 30. The aPaaS platform contains multiple functions, permissions, and process adjustments. Customers can deploy on a public cloud with a simple drag and drop operation to generate applets, public accounts, and apps.

SaaS applications based on the aPaaS platform can be divided into four categories, covering all links from reaching customers to serving customers in the front end, including:

  • Contact module, represented by App, various small programs, WeChat public account, SMS, one object, one code, etc.;

  • Undertake modules, including digital promotions, events, content marketing, service experience, etc.;

  • Transaction module refers to the transaction processing of online e-commerce and offline stores;

  • Long-term service module, including membership system, big data system, andThe way of fission has brought more customers to the enterprise.

    Wen Jie said that another major development of the company recently is that business progress has been further accelerated, and there are many more benchmark cases for large and medium-sized enterprises. In 2019, Huiyouyun business revenue reached tens of millions of yuan, an increase of 50%. At present, it has served more than 3000 enterprises and government customers. Benchmark customers such as China Construction Bank, Hesheng Chuangzhan, Langjiu Group, Fenjiu Group, Xue Big Education, Mars Group, People’s Forum, Daxing Yizhuang Town, etc., have the highest proportion of customers distributed in the five fields of consumer goods, real estate, medical health, grassroots government affairs, and insurance.

    In terms of customer acquisition, the company’s direct sales and distribution accounts for about half of each. Among them, distribution has accumulated many years of channel resources and industry ecology through Huiyou Cloud Business Company. Huiyou Cloud Business has been profitable for two consecutive years. increase.

    During the epidemic, Huiyou Cloud also quickly launched grassroots public service products based on the aPaaS platform, and served more than 100 grassroots government organizations, covering tens of thousands of communities. The company also found that online operations in consumer goods, real estate, grassroots government and other real economy sectors continued to grow.

    Wen Jie believes that before, enterprise digital service providers mainly solve the problem of internal or external connection between enterprises, and improve efficiency and standardization through CRM, SRM or OA, but not in connecting C-end enterprise customers and government service targets. Too much accumulation. Traffic is in the hands of platform manufacturers such as and Tmall or offline retailers. Brands cannot reach end users and form private domain traffic. Among the pain points faced by Huiyou Cloud’s customers, the contact and acceptance modules that rely on private domain traffic account for the largest proportion, which just confirms that there is still a lot of room for mining in this field.

    However, in addition to the high frequency business, the low frequency and high value business is also the focus of the company. Taking the study abroad institution as an example, although payment is a one-time act, the unit price of customers in this industry is high, which can reach hundreds of thousands. The frequency of early-stage services is very high, so Huiyou Cloud also needs to enter into providing digital marketing solutions.

    The low-code feature of the aPaaS platform brings convenience for customers to customize products. 70% of the products provided by Huiyou Cloud to large enterprise customers are standardized for delivery, 20% can be personalized based on the aPaaS platform, and 10% require code to integrate SaaS software with customers’ original office systems. The unit price of these customers varies from one million to ten million, and the delivery cycle varies from one month to six months. According to Wen Jie, due to the support of the aPaaS platform, the project can be quickly implemented and implemented. Huiyou Cloud has completed the delivery of an order of tens of millions in 3 months. Small and medium-sized enterprise customers do not have a lot of system integration problems, and delivery can be completed in 2-4 weeks.

    Forrester predicts that the low-code development platform track will reach $ 15.5 billion in 2020, which has attracted many startups to join.Aozhe Network, ClickPaaS, Yichuang Technology, and Lightstream are among them. Focusing on the enterprise’s digital marketing, Wen Jie has confidence in Huiyou Cloud’s business cut and technical accumulation, and believes that although there are multiple data analysis companies in the track, its main business is still CDP, traffic monitoring and advertising. , Pay less attention to traffic reach and operation. Due to the development of the aPaaS platform for many years, Huiyou Cloud has accumulated more in the construction of engines and modules for traffic operation.

    In terms of team, Huiyou Yunshang currently has more than 100 people, of which R & D accounts for more than 60% of the staff. After this round of financing, the company will recruit more marketing and R & D talents. Founder Wen Jie has served as a senior executive in Bell Labs, Microsoft, SAP, UFIDA, and Zhiyuan, and was a co-founder and vice president of UFIDA Medical. During his work in enterprises such as SAP and Zhiyuan, Wenjie has successfully led low-code platforms for application software many times, and his career has involved low-code platform R & D expenses exceeding billions of RMB.

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