The archaeologists dug up a porcelain bowl from the Song Dynasty, but it was missing a corner. After washing off the soil, they were surprised to find: on the shiny inner wall, a man riding a horse chasing a woman on the grass , The woman carried her skirt and ran staggeringly.

If it is a painting, people will take it for granted. However, the painting is moving. In today’s words, it is an animation, a cyclic animation. The woman ran to the broken part of the bowl and disappeared, as if jumping off a cliff. The man riding a horse also rushed down the missing corner and disappeared. After a while, the woman appeared at the same spot again, and continued to run away panting. The man still chased after horses and chased after the broken part of the bowl. The two disappeared, and then reappeared. You chased me. Escape, endless.

This cultural relic immediately made a sensation in the world, and there was an endless stream of people visiting the museum. The focus of people’s discussion quickly shifted from the origin of animation art to the woman.

Who is she? Slave, commoner, rich lady, royal princess or female thief? Why run away? Did you kill the cruel master, steal the jewelry, or escape from the terrible engagement? Is her husband, brother, master or stranger chasing her?

Finally, everyone only cares about one question: Has she been caught?

No one can answer because the bowl is missing a corner. The missing place was like a sharp triangle with one missing side. The only angle pierced the bottom of the bowl. It was as sharp as a knife. The two sharp sides showed white serrations, which was chilling.

There is no doubt that the answer lies in the missing blank.

That woman is so beautiful, and people have reason to care about her fate.

People began to struggle with the missing corner, conceiving various endings for the woman. This incomplete triangle offers too many possibilities, and countless people suffer from insomnia.

Someone suddenly thought: If the bowl is filled, won’t the woman’s fate surface?

So people shouted in unison: “Make up the bowl! Make up the bowl!”

The museum immediately organized experts to compare the missing corners and make the same size, A piece of porcelain of the same texture, inlaid in the broken part of the bowl, is seamless and perfect, but ── less than a minute after applying special glue, the piece of porcelain will automatically fall off, fall to the ground, and break into pieces. Piece.

Experts have developed more perfect tiles and stronger glues, but they still failed. The tiles fell off as soon as they were attached.

The experts are very strange, but they can’t find the real reason. After trying dozens of times, they were discouraged and decided to solicit the missing piece of porcelain from the world. They are convinced that the worldThere must be one and only one piece of porcelain that fits the corner. It is composed of the most suitable porcelain clay, the most suitable weather, the most suitable flame, and even the most suitable smile of the producer. As long as you use the power of the whole world, you will definitely find that piece. So they posted the shape and size of the missing corners and the texture, recipe, glaze and sintering method of the ancient bowl on the Internet. For a time, people all over the world were enthusiastic, and thousands of people made that piece of porcelain with great enthusiasm for writing the fate of that ancient woman.

On the appointed day six months later, there was a crowd of people in the square in front of the museum. People lined up with tiles in their hands and slowly moved to a high platform. The ancient broken bowl was enshrined on the incense table on the high platform, and under the majestic guardianship of the security guards, it looked like a god with a grin. People sew their own porcelain pieces on its “mouth”. Some pieces are printed with large sculptures, some are printed with spaceships, and some are printed with immortals. They hope that the characters they create can rescue the poor woman. But without exception, they all dinged and failed.

Disappointment screams one after another, from early morning to dusk. Someone screamed desperately with tears in their mouths: “Is the fate of that woman always a mystery?”

People began to disperse in twos and threes.

At this moment, a young voice shouted: “I will try.”

That was a bald boy. Surrounded by adult men, he walked up to the high platform and came to the broken bowl.

“Where are your tiles?” the museum curator asked kindly.


“Then how do you make up the bowl?”

< br/> The young man did not answer, but took out a watercolor pen from his arms and drew a prairie rat in front of the running horse. The prairie rat quickly made a hole and went underground, banging, galloping. The horse hoof that came came into the mouse hole and fell heavily. The man also fell off the horse, injured his foot and couldn’t move. The escaping woman turned her head in surprise, and the man reluctantly waved and shouted, as if calling the woman back, but the woman gritted her teeth, turned and continued to run, and ran towards the missing corner. A miracle appeared. With her footsteps, the missing corners were stitched automatically, giving birth to tiles and pictures, first the grass, then the water, the blue faint water, a fishing boat stopped on the shore, and the young and handsome fisherman looked around. With an anxious look, he saw the woman coming and smiled immediately. He immediately helped the woman aboard the boat. The water surface expanded rapidly with the bow of the boat, and the whole missing corner was covered in the blink of an eye.

The broken bowl made up for myself!

The moment the missing angle is closed, the picture immediately turns to eternal stillness, so this ancient bowl contributes to modern people such a painting: A fishing boat is flying in the vast waves of smoke, on board Standing young coupleMen and women, on the grass on the far shore, a horse fell to the ground, a man lay on the ground, stretched out his hand and shouted, a prairie mouse was sneakingly hidden in the hole under his feet.

Although there is no charming animation, it is a complete bowl after all, and no one can sleep for the missing corner. When the curator raised the perfectly restored ancient bowl, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

“She is finally out of danger!” The kind-hearted people shed tears of excitement, and one after another asked the young man to reveal his skill in repairing the ancient bowl.

The young man picked up the microphone and bowed his head in silence. When he raised his head, tears were already flowing.

“Why do you have to make it up?” the boy said, with a trace of sadness in his voice, “What has been broken, it can’t be made up anyway. Since I want to save the woman, why Don’t you stop hurting her right away? As long as you extend a helping hand, there will be no…”

The young man suddenly burst into tears and couldn’t continue. The men who brought him led him off the high platform and walked to a police car. The crowd was silent. The boy turned out to be a prisoner in the juvenile prison!

The next day, the media reported the life experience of the juvenile offender: his parents divorced, and he didn’t care about him. He found emotional comfort in street gangsters, fights, and absenteeism. He was taken to five schools He was expelled and was not accepted by anyone, and then he wandered on the streets, sneaking and petting, and unknowingly embarked on the path of crime.

Everyone who read this news made the same decision in an instant: never make up any broken bowls, no matter how precious or magic it is.

Because the real compensation is before the break.