Satellite TV Q4 to-be-broadcast variety show

Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “drama Sir” (ID: jusir2018) author: Ling Osmanthus fragrans.

As 2020 is coming to an end, the five major provincial satellite TVs have successively held investment conferences to report to the market the series and program lists that are being prepared and will be broadcast in 2020-2021.

The drama sir compiled the list of key programs to be broadcast on CCTV and Five David TV in Q4 of 2020. It is not difficult to find the phenomenon of “innovation and the N-generation parallel”. In response to the market’s appeal for original programs, all TV stations are actively deploying innovative original variety shows. Once a variety show achieves good ratings, it will continue, especially after the popularity of “seasonal” variety shows. The phenomenon is even more common. Almost every program can be broadcast for more than two seasons, but there are also some programs with Innovation power< /a> weakened and faced suspension.

In the investment conferences, almost every satellite TV has some comprehensive N-generation ace programs on the list, as well as some original programs. But the so-called “original” is only the innovation of the program mode and stage on the basis of the original genre, and it is really rare that the genre can be created.

In this article, the drama sir will look ahead to the variety shows to be broadcast in Q4 this year, and analyze the characteristics of the variety shows of each satellite TV.

What kind of comprehensive N generation can last?

Every year at the Merchants Conference, several veteran variety shows will announce their suspension. For example, this year Hunan Satellite TV announced that “Singer” would no longer be recorded. This 8 seasons program finally ended its artistic life.

Netizens have a lot of speculation about this, but the influencing factor of “rating” can basically be eliminated, because the ratings of “Singer 2020”, the “Year of Singer” is always the first in the same time period. “I Am a Singer” is a model copyright introduced from South Korea, but since “Singer 2017” started to innovate the model, innovation has been made in the model and form of the program every year, perhaps because of the innovation bottleneck that appeared after the original four seasons. In addition, the general director Hong Xiao will continue to produce “The Variety Big Coffee Show 2021”, and has no time to do it. Therefore, he put down the N-generation and focused on innovative shows.

Innovation is also the purpose of Hunan Satellite TV’s program. The China Merchants Association announced 11 new original variety shows, which shows its leading position in the variety show industry.

Another N-generation variety with long-lasting vitality is “Run Bar”, which is also a model introduced during the hot period of variety show Hallyu, and then began to original and renamed “Run Bar”.

After the “Restricted Entertainment Order” was released, many variety shows showed a full desire to survive, including “Run”. Since then, “Run” has begun to take the public welfare route, and the theme of the program has begun to incorporate regional characteristics and The characteristics of the times, such as “chicken feathers for sugar” to promote the development of Yiwu, and singing “Yellow River Cantata” in a certain program. The latest season of “Run” will also continue the public welfare route, and will be renamed “Run, Yellow River”.

It can be seen that today’s variety shows are taking the route of culture and public welfare, and only those programs that can bring positive energy and value to the audience have long-lasting vitality.

The third season of Beijing Satellite TV’s “New Palace Museum” will be broadcast every Saturday night on October 24, and the second season of “Meet the Temple of Heaven” will also be broadcast in Q4 this year.

Variety ShowIn the hot market, CCTV is not willing to lag behind, launching the variety show “Go Live!” Huacai Juvenile” is currently being selected, with Yi Yang Qianxi as the young model.

In addition to the talent show, comedy shows are also very popular. CCTV’s “Comedy+” will be broadcast tonight. Dragon TV has a wealth of experience in making comedy shows. The previous “Happy Comedian” has a stable ratings, and now it will launch “Comedy Has Newcomers” with Xu Zheng and Shen Teng as guests.

Music shows are also an important category in variety shows. In addition to the above-mentioned “Sister’s Philharmonic Path”, which is also a music-related program, there is also “Singers in a Small Town”, which integrates slow variety shows and music. In one, Xiao Yang, Liu Wei and others will participate in the show.

A batch of new variety shows are coming

The “fried cold rice” and “imitation show” cannot meet the diverse needs of the audience, so each satellite TV is also actively deploying new variety shows.

From the perspective of the new variety shows deployed by Five Satellite TV and CCTV, variety shows are gradually shifting from indoor to outdoor, and from fast variety to slow variety shows. This has become a common trend.

“Sister’s Philharmonic Journey” is not exactly an indoor variety show. It is a journey to find music inspiration and realize variety shows through touring.

Zhejiang Satellite TV has launched four new variety shows. “Treasure Country” is a guide reality show. Guo Jingfei, Deng Lun and others are the resident guests. The content of the show responds to the call of “Poverty Alleviation”. 6 guests will each Expect a special scenic spot to experience the local humanistic scenery and help local economic development.

“The Star Chaser” is composed of Zhu Yilong, Li Yifeng and Wei Daxun as the “three brothers”, who start the self-driving tour slowly.

“Delicious Night Stalker” is a reality show in the food business category. Meng Meiqi and Qin Xiaoxian will serve as resident guests.

“Walk a Thousand Miles of Walking Alone” is a humanistic documentary visit experience program. The director Shan, Huang Jue and Ma Boqian of the Palace Museum embarked on a cultural journey in search of world cultural heritage.

In addition to the comedy shows mentioned above, Dragon TV will also launch two music shows-“Singers in a Small Town” and “Sound of Heart”. One is a healing music journey, and the other is a music dating program, which perfectly integrates blind dates with music.

In the hot e-commerce market, Dragon TV is also closely following the hot spots, launching “Where is the Magic Company”, with Xue Zhiqian and Wang Yaoqing as guests. This is a reality show run by celebrity e-commerce companies.

Jiangsu Satellite TV will also launch a football competition program “Super Ball Boy” and behind-the-scenes competition show “King of the Backstage” in the Q4 quarter. The content of the programs are quite innovative and worth looking forward to.

These new variety shows have yet to be tested by the market, but experience shows that purely entertaining shows cannot guarantee continued attention. Only variety shows that “tell good stories” and “tell good stories in interesting ways” In order to gain a foothold in a highly competitive market.