Problem description: Hello doctor, can motor neuron disease be cured? ?
Question date:2020-09-10
Patient information:Age: 47 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: The information (examination report) sent by the patient is rather vague. The patient has limb weakness, suspected to be motor neuron disease, but the diagnosis is not clear. Motor neuron disease is a rare disease, the cause of which is not clear, and may be related to infection, immunity, genetics, and nutritional disorders. The early symptoms of the disease are not obvious, causing many people not to notice that they are sick.
Symptoms usually worsen slowly, and some patients progress slightly faster. Common symptoms include muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, muscle cramps, difficulty swallowing, coughing, and slurred pronunciation.
Guide and suggestion: You must be diagnosed before considering medication.
At present, there is still a lack of effective treatment methods for motor neuron disease. The only way to relieve symptoms and relieve the suffering of patients is through treatment.
Treatment includes etiological treatment and symptomatic treatment.
Be careful not to be overactive or tired.
Pay attention to ensure adequate sleep.
If the patient’s legs and feet may be swollen. It can raise the patient’s lower limbs, promote blood return and reduce swelling.
If the patient’s joints are stiff and muscles are tense, cramps occur. Family members can relieve symptoms with gentle massage.
For bedridden patients, family members turn over and pat their backs every day to avoid bedsores and lung infections.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection