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Sinking online education: when giant hunts

In the post-epidemic era, online education is sinking into a new battle in the market. Editor’s note: This article from the public micro-channel number ” Tech planet “(ID: tech618) , author: Rita Zhang, editor: Zhang Yuting. When Ms. Qian in March 2019, she decided to resign from the position of a major online education institution When she was working alone and engaged in sinking market entrepreneurship to do online English.. Read More

The first anniversary of the 5G mobile phone licensing: the bubble faded, the track showed

In the 5G commercial year, there has always been a “dislocation” between enterprise perception and user perception. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “FINANCE point” (ID: yidiancaijing) , of: Liuya Jie, editor: Liu Yu,published with permission. It is worth considering how manufacturers can make full use of the attributes of the new network environment to promote the evolution of consumer demand and meet the pain points.. Read More

Time protection: efficient time management technology used by Musk and Gates

Some of the most efficient people on earth trust a skill very much. Its name is called time blocking. The following is its manual. Shenzhen Translation Bureau is its compilation team, focusing on the fields of technology, business, workplace, life, etc., focusing on introducing new technologies, new ideas, and new trends abroad. Editor’s Note: Time is the most equitable resource for everyone, and it is also the most susceptible resource… Read More

Be alert to these 10 efficiency “killers” to make yourself more efficient

Be alert and discover efficiency killers and avoid them in the right way Shenzhen Translation Bureau is its compilation team, focusing on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing foreign new technologies, new ideas, and new trends. Editor’s note: In terms of personal efficiency, although we generally hope that we can maintain higher efficiency, in daily life and work, there are some “efficiencies that we almost ignore… Read More

Krypton’s speech丨The popular “night economy” is a new blessing from Internet people?

You are only one comment away from being KOL. Editor’s note: The author strives to write the article, and krypton friends comment with care. We collect, organize and summarize the readers’ real insights into “Krypton Friends’ Speeches”, and show every major event in the business history from a different perspective. The stall economy burst into flames overnight; station B went to heaven and Weibo “falled”; SpaceX exploded while going to.. Read More

A Wonderful Guide to the Workplace | 40 Month End of Year Award? Part-time illustrator catches up with games and online education

“The illustrator seems to be a self-employed person, but from the time of receiving the manuscript to the submission, it is impossible to be free.” The Black Swan in 2020 is coming fast and fast Directly, in the face of the unclear future mist, open source and cost-cutting are imminent. The Wonderful Guide to the Workplace is a fresh workplace program that finds the kind of work that suits you.. Read More

Researching 3000 families in 28 years, he found that happy couples are quarreling like this

The game of love. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Book List” (ID: BookSelection), author Shu Shanjun. The epidemic situation has gradually slowed down. The “retaliatory consumption” that has been said before has not yet landed, but the “retaliatory divorce” has arrived unexpectedly. Xi’an, Guangzhou, Shanghai and many other cities have seen divorce appointments full. Even in romantic Italy, there was a wave of divorces during.. Read More

Those hardcore text creators have also started to make videos

​The motivation of each creator is different, and the requirements for the platform are also very different. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “hedgehog commune” (ID: ciweigongshe) , Author: Hedgehog Jun Edit: Tim. The popular science content on the watermelon video can be out of the circle, and it is also related to the upgrade of content consumption needs of video users. In addition to the.. Read More

Space X manned spacecraft is launched, who will open the era of China’s private commercial aerospace?

my country’s Galaxy Space and Space X’s “Star Chain” plan to directly benchmark in the field of satellite Internet. In April this year, Galaxy Space achieved the first three-minute satellite Internet video call. The current valuation is 5 billion yuan. The National Team China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation and China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation also proposed the construction of two satellite communication networks, the “Hongyun Project” and the.. Read More

The market value of Zoom is nearly 60 billion US dollars, the lean entrepreneurial methodology of Chinese founder Yuan Zheng

Going public is not the goal of a company. The products are well done and the prices are fair. To make users happy is the foothold and starting point. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “China-Europe Venture Camp” (ID:CEIBS_CELC), author: Central European venture camp, editor: Jessica. During the epidemic, the video conferencing software Zoom can be described as surging against the trend. In only three months,.. Read More