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Rescue Tahoe trading platform looms, Vanke team is making a move

Although so far, Taihe seven threshold is still not set in July 2020 reached a rush to the rescue Vanke Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “Economic Observer” (ID: eeo-com-cn), Author: Chen Bo. Economic Observer Network reporter Chen Botian GuobaoAlthough so far, Tahoe has still not reached the seven thresholds set by Vanke in July 2020 when it rushed to aid; in the past six months.. Read More

Rank 50,000 for a cup of milk tea? Contemporary young people are gradually becoming “aunts”

The 50,000 young people lined up at the gate of Cha Yan Yue Se made me understand the aunt who grabbed eggs. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “Chief Marketing Officer” (ID: cmo1967), Author: Li Dongyang. “Line up at 4 in the morning”, “Fences in the business district overnight”, “Queue fee of 31 yuan per hour”… This is not the meeting place of a certain star.. Read More

The school district’s housing purchase restrictions, corporate purchases are halted, and land auctions are immediately limited. The increase in housing prices is once the world’s largest city in terms of regulation and control.

Second-hand housing new houses tropical fire Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “engraved magnesium estate” (ID: Real-estate-Circle), Author: magnesium engraved estate. “We are in Hefei School District for this lottery lottery, and the price will continue to rise, and it has not been reduced for so many years.” On the evening of April 5, Ms. Zhang, who lives in Hefei, talked to the editor about the.. Read More

Sun Zhengyi suffered another setback, and the company he invested in went bankrupt: 9.5 billion yuan was lost

After investing in WeWork and encountering Waterloo, “Investment Wizard” Sun Zhengyi suffered another severe setback. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Daily Economic News” (ID: nbdnews), editors: He Xiaotao, Du Hengfeng, and Xiao Yong, proofreader: Cheng Peng. Following the investment in WeWork and encountering Waterloo, “investment wizard” Sun Zhengyi suffered another severe setback. According to CCTV Finance, recently, Greenhill Capital, a British supply chain finance company.. Read More

“I got a monthly salary of 30,000, and I couldn’t find a job for 10 months after resigning naked”: I hope you learn from my lesson

It is critical to have a skill that can be realized at any time. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “glass grade language beauty” (ID: crystal_words), Author: Zhao glass. 01 Graduate Sun Ling (pseudonym), graduated from 985, majoring in engineering management. After graduation, she went to work in a famous company. In the past few years, the leaders deliberately cultivated her. At the peak, the monthly.. Read More

The storage box with 10 yuan free shipping is the order of life for young people?

From the organizer of tens of thousands of yuan to the storage box of 2,3 yuan. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “electricity suppliers Online” (ID: dianshangmj), Author: Zhu Yingli, editor: Adams asked. In the movie “The Life of the Disgusted Pine Nut”, the scene depicting her loss of control in her final life is a room like a garbage dump. There are corresponding scenes in.. Read More

Dialogue with Liu Bo of Qingliu Capital: The process of the monster recharging and catching up from behind, and my thinking on personnel situation

The era needs “heterogeneous” Monster charging is about to be listed on the Nasdaq in the United States, and the first share of shared power banks was born. I believe many people will be curious, what is the nature of the business of shared power banks? Why can the charging of the latest monsters come from behind? How to understand the ceiling of the monster and shared power bank industry?.. Read More

How to lengthen your “focus time”? (four)

Relax and enjoy the process of concentration. The Translation Bureau is a subordinate translation team, focusing on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing new foreign technologies, new perspectives, and new trends. Editor’s note: When reading a book, do you start to lose your mind halfway through? Or are you faced with a lot of work, but you can’t focus on completing them for a period of.. Read More

Market News | Tomb-sweeping box office hit a record high, Hengdian Film and Television became a big winner

As a small and medium-sized movie, “My Sister” can be called a group of dark horses in the Qingming file. The movie circle welcomes the strongest Qingming file in history. Is the spring of the film and television industry coming? Maoyan Professional Edition data shows that during the Ching Ming holiday from April 3 to April 5, the cumulative domestic box office reached 822 million yuan, surpassing the record of.. Read More

Why is the global core shortage an opportunity for China?

Apple cut orders, Audi idle 10,000 employees Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “municipal boundaries” (ID: ishijie2018), Author: Yang Xiao, Editor: Li Shuguang. Since December last year, NBA 2K21 game enthusiast Kamo has been waiting to buy the Nvidia 3060ti graphics card. The price of this product has risen from the official guide price of 3,300 yuan to about 6,700 yuan, and the high-end version is.. Read More