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Apple wants to expand its intelligent tracking and prevention technology, for fear that you will be eye-catched by advertising technology companies.

Do you hate advertising? Do you hate advertising that is everywhere on the Internet? Most people hate it. A consumer survey indicates that 83% of users believe that “not all ads are not Ok, but I want to filter out disgusting ads.” Seventy-seven percent said “I hope there is a way to completely filter ads, not to block ads.” Although some advertisements can really make consumers feel the dual enjoyment.. Read More

The network of audio-visual foreign investment pilots will start, Naifei, Disney, and Aiteng cheese?

The Beijing pilot project to announce the opening of foreign direct investment in online audio-visual programs has attracted much attention and will undoubtedly stir up a pool of spring water. Editor’s note: This article from the public micro-channel number “Entertainment Observation” (ID: yiyuguancha), text | big entertainer, editor | Authorized to publish. On August 15, Beijing released the “Three-Year Action Plan for the Open Reform of the Key Areas of.. Read More

“Send me to Qingyun” Interview with Teng Congcon: The female theme is a “not so bad” wasteland

The female characters in the movie resonate with the female filmmakers outside the movie. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Puffin Video Files” (ID: htysda), the author thinks. “Thirty or forty-year-old women, and in the city.” This is the expected judgment of the director Teng Congcong on the mainstream audience of “Send me to Qingyun”. In fact, this film has always been branded as a “female.. Read More

Not only is your iMessage hidden in Macau, but it also hides this crisis.

This article comes from the public number shell network (ID: Guokr42), author Lily Hay Newman, translator Baristan, Ai Faner Authorized to publish. Many people’s understanding of mobile phone security risks is still very simple. We always feel that as long as you don’t click on the suspicious link and don’t download the phishing software, it will be all right. But life is always invincible, even if you use the iPhone:.. Read More

Online video shuffling, user attention migration, how to vote for brand advertising?

Where are the users, where are I? Editor’s note: This article from the public micro-channel number “Deep-echo” (ID: deep-echo), author Ma Xiaojun. Online advertising is getting worse and worse. On the one hand, advertising prices have risen, forcing advertisers to continue to increase investment; on the other hand, past traffic laws seem to be failing, and how to “smart” spend money has become a problem for all advertisers. Industry data.. Read More

Want to be in the current overseas game market, what direction should domestic distributors consider?

What other subdivisions have hidden opportunities. Editor’s note: This article from the public micro-channel number ” grape game “(ID: youxiputao) , author: Andrew. Domestic mobile games are in full bloom in overseas markets. In mature markets such as the United States, the revenue level of domestic mobile games has seen a visible increase; in emerging markets such as Southeast Asia and Latin America, domestic mobile games have shown significant advantages.. Read More

Seven years of high-speed running, what is the cultural mechanism that byte jumps?

The internal management mechanism of bytebeat is based on the presupposition of “human nature.” Editor’s note: This article from WeChat public number “Hedgehog Commune” (ID: ciweigongshe), author, Shi Can, editor, Tielin. Authorized to publish. To a certain extent, in the management component of bytebeat, in addition to Google’s open and candid working style and Netflix’s strong empowerment, there is also Ali’s model authoritarianism. It is like a Babel tower. The.. Read More

A16Z Partner: I don’t see the opportunity because you can’t see the “implicit network”

Before anyone realizes that there is a network effect, you are already running. What does it feel like? This is the advantage of an implicit network. The Translation Bureau is a compilation team that focuses on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on foreign new technologies, new ideas, and new trends. Editor’s note: “Network effects” is the foundation of many important projects in the Internet era. As more.. Read More

Minority Weekly Conjecture | N Ways for Humans to Die in the Future

If so, how would you choose to die? Well on weekends, welcome to open the “Monthly One Weekly Conjecture.” Here, you can see the latest technology exhibitions in the past week, as well as inventions beyond imagination. At the same time, we are also paying close attention to the interesting evolution of the relationship between people and technology in the AI ​​era. Let us glimpse the tip of the iceberg.. Read More

The wave of “artificial meat” is not over yet, “artificial dairy products” are already fermenting.

As a child, adults will say that drinking more milk can be as high as foreigners. Although I don’t know if today’s parents are popular, it’s ok, Americans drink less and less milk. On the one hand, since the 1970s, nutrition experts have started Question The dairy industry has publicized the nutritional value of milk; on the other hand, plant-based alternative drinks such as oat milk, soy milk and almond.. Read More