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Behind Ding Lei’s bombardment of “unreasonable exclusive copyright”, Netease Cloud Music’s new abacus

Head image | Visual China “We hope to return to a reasonable and reasonable copyright fee in the future.” During the NetEase earnings call yesterday, Ding Lei suddenly started bombarding the music copyright market. He directly expressed his dissatisfaction with the exclusive sales model of the three major record companies led by Warner, Sony, and Universal, which caused companies including NetEase Cloud Music and other companies that needed to purchase.. Read More

Tu Yu was re-elected as an academician of the two academicians? Chinese Academy of Engineering responded that the news was not true

Source | Interface News Reporter | Niu Qichang Head image | Visual China, Tu Yan attended the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and gave a speech In the past two days, “Tu Xun lost his academician” suddenly appeared on the Hot List. The interface news query found that according to regulations, 2020 is not the year for the addition of academicians. On February 29, 2020, the relevant staff.. Read More

Changan Automobile struggles to “self-help”

This article is transferred from WeChat public account: Bullet Finance (ID: wwwhygc) author: Xu Yun, Editor: Yang Bocheng, title figure: vision China “Not only the marriage was not completed, but the new car that could have been delivered within a few days, because the specialty store could not be opened, nor could it be picked up.” Niu Xin said solemnly. Years ago, he bought a Kia Zhipai wedding car with.. Read More

What’s the difference with “Home” with a score of 6.3?

This article is transferred from WeChat public account: Maoying Wenyu (ID: maoyingtv) author: Sandy, editor: Amy Wang, title figure: stills, tiger sniffing authorized reprint Guest: Do I want to buy a haunted house? Intermediary next door: We don’t have a haunted house. Fang Sijin: We have, talk inside. The agent next door: She has it, she has everything, she is a ruthless person, and if you need it, she can.. Read More

Byte-beating “search” ambitions

This article is transferred from WeChat public account Thunder Technology (ID: leitech) , editor: Bai Zhengming, title picture: Visual China, the original title” Headline Search and Push Independent Application, How Much Fatty Can I Take From Baidu? ” 》 The always low-key byte beating on the launch of new products has recently brought an independent application of headline search, announcing the formal entry of new players in search engines. Strengthen.. Read More

Search war 2020

Two Ages and Two Understandings of Internet Content Changes Editor’s Note: This article comes from WeChat public account “ Finances and Taboos “(ID: caijwj), author Yueluo Wudi. Search. The soldiers on the Internet must fight. On February 21, Today ’s Headline was officially launched. The independent headline search product is the “Headline Search” APP. For the DAU of 700 million bytes, will this move change the mobile Internet landscape again?.. Read More

After this epidemic, what changes have taken place in the pattern of Internet companies?

Which Internet companies have this family home made? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ DT Finance ” (ID: DTcaijing ), DT Jun under the author’s cloud life. Every major event that affects the whole society, the impact does not only affect the moment. A large amount of information and new demands issued in the short term, while changing people’s perceptions and behavior habits, has also profoundly.. Read More

During the house period, Northeast literature and art revived again?

Northeast Universe IP Rise Editor’s Note: This article comes from WeChat public account “ Rhino Entertainment “(ID: piaofangtoushijing), author Yuan Mu. An epidemic, in too much homogenized entertainment content, has made people have higher demand for comedy types. During this period, in addition to being screened by various donations and donations from Northeast China, you can also see many Northeast artists enter the hot search, not to mention the hit.. Read More

The structure and future of patent linkage system with Chinese characteristics

This is not only a response to external pressures, but also an inherent need for China’s own development. Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “ Intellectual capacity ” (ID: zhichanli), authors Shao Wei, Kou Fei, Beijing Yongxin Zhicai Law Firm. The first phase of the economic and trade agreement between China and the United States on January 15, 2020 is part of the intellectual property community in.. Read More

You can’t really become efficient with “efficiency tools” or “time management skills”

Procrastination is not something you can change. You should learn to accept it and focus on developing good habits to improve efficiency. Shenzhen Translation Bureau is its compilation team, focusing on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing new foreign technologies, new perspectives and new trends. Editor’s note: In terms of efficiency improvement, many people like to rely on and try various efficiency tools or time management.. Read More