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Shanghai vs Qingdao, the battle for the headquarters behind Haier

This article comes from the WeChat public account: Qingji (ID: tsingnotes), the original title is “Four-year 500 billion, Haier’s” Great Leap Forward “headquarters competition “War”, the title picture comes from: IC photo For Shanghai, Haier was moved. In September 2019, Haier ’s 3rd Rendanheyi International Forum left Qingdao for the first time and was selected in Shanghai. On the day of September 20, Shanghai Municipal Party Secretary Li Qiang received.. Read More

OpenAI and Microsoft bet on general AI: self-developed supercomputing, ranking top 5 in the world in computing power

In the field of artificial intelligence, the existence of general artificial intelligence (AGI) has always been the focus of debate among researchers and major artificial intelligence companies. Several big names in the scientific research field, including Turing Award winners Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun, believe that there is no general artificial intelligence. But some technology companies are willing to put their future on general artificial intelligence. For example, Microsoft and.. Read More

Development of industrial tourism projects by manufacturing units in the Lingang New Area has the opportunity to win an award of 500,000 yuan

The Lingang New Area of ​​the Shanghai Free Trade Zone encourages units in the manufacturing sector in the region to design and develop industrial tourism projects. Units newly rated as Shanghai ’s industrial tourism attractions with excellent service quality will receive a one-time reward of 500,000 yuan. On May 20th, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone Lingang New Area Management Committee released the “China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lingang New.. Read More

Hong Kong Stock Exchange may reproduce personnel changes: Market Development Director Li Gang will be exposed before the end of the year

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Hong Kong Stock Exchange”) may again undergo personnel changes. According to Bloomberg ’s report on May 20, Li Gang, head of market development at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, will leave before the end of the year. A spokesperson for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange said the exchange does not comment on individual staff matters. Public information shows.. Read More

Hong Kong Disneyland is preparing to reopen

Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, May 20th, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (Hong Kong Disneyland) said on the 20th that it is currently intensifying preparations for reopening and will implement a number of epidemic prevention measures after the reopening of the park to protect tourists and work The health of personnel. Affected by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, Hong Kong Disneyland announced its suspension on January 26. As the epidemic situation.. Read More

What management tricks in “Historical Records”

”, From the dusty history, find those Jiguang film feathers related to management, get polished in reality, and form their own methodology, and then go back and forth to check and iterate in history again and again. Cycling back and forth, you can only do what you want.

Beijing: Strictly investigate the illegal release of listing information, 21 real estate agents were investigated and dealt with

According to the official public account of the Beijing Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee, “Settle in Beijing”, the law enforcement department of the Beijing Municipal Housing Construction Commission actively guides the real estate market in order to do a good job in stabilizing employment and anticipating work, implementing the main tasks of protecting people’s livelihood and the market. The main unit carries out the normalization of epidemic prevention and control,.. Read More

New study: Extinction of Australian giant animals or climate change, not human activities

Why Australia ’s many giant animals became extinct 40,000 years ago remains an unsolved mystery. Australian researchers recently published a paper on the website of the British “Nature Communications” magazine that the most likely cause of the extinction of giant animals is climate change, not human activity. Previously, the extinction of giant animals was caused by excessive hunting by humans, and it occurred shortly after humans arrived in the Australian.. Read More

In-depth dismantling of live e-commerce: essence, destiny and future

E-commerce enters the “artillery era”, and live broadcasting will become the main arm. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Inspur New Consumption” (ID: lcxinxiaofei) . dictation | Huo Zhongyan Organization | Cao Rui From the myth of bringing goods in 2019 to the “help” in 2020, live broadcast e-commerce was popularized at a speed of light in an unexpected way. But for most of the “launched”.. Read More

Unwilling to retreat from the market, Lu Zhengyao denied overnight “scam” transferring assets

Rui Xing is dying, and the 100 billion myth is shattered. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account ” Tech planet “(ID: tech618) , author: Zhou Xiaoqi, editor: Zhang Yuting. The myth of Ruixing is speeding up. On May 19, Ruixing Coffee issued an announcement saying that it received a written notice from the NASDAQ listing eligibility review department on May 15 and the exchange made a.. Read More