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Douyin gets in the car, byte explores the way

After getting on the car with “big data”, it wants to dominate the entire ecology. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Yiou Automobile” (ID: EO-AUTO) . Author 丨 He Qi Editor Hao Qiuhui Zhang Yan Byte bounce is about to open up the next battlefield-the car. DAU with more than 400 million vibrato is its tool for pathfinding. A week ago, a piece of news caused.. Read More

SpaceX’s first time, NASA’s last fight

This article comes from the WeChat official account: Sina Technology (ID: techsina) < / span> , compile: Yong Yan, header picture from: SpaceX According to foreign media reports, on the afternoon of May 27, two experienced astronauts from NASA (NASA) History is about to be made. They will board a newly developed spacecraft in Florida on the east coast of the United States, and then fly to the International Space.. Read More

Why can Luo Yonghao’s “apology public relations” be tried repeatedly?

The three magic weapons of Luo Yonghao’s “apology public relations” Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “PR 007” (ID: PRCN007) , author: Huang Yi. People are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can you not get a knife. However, no one can strike like Luo Yonghao repeatedly. Since Luo Yonghao became the anchor on Douyin on April 1st, he started a live broadcast sales career,.. Read More

Douyin gets in the car, and byte explores the way

This article comes from the public number: Yiou Automotive (ID: EO-AUTO) , author: He Qi, from the title figure: vision China Byte bounce is about to open up the next battlefield–car. DAU with more than 400 million vibrato is its tool for pathfinding. A week ago, a piece of news caused a lot of attention in the automotive field- Byte Beat is forming a car networking team and plans to.. Read More

Saving money is a strategy to change your destiny

Everyone needs to learn to make decisions for their own lives and bear the consequences Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account Buddha immortal “(ID: banfoSB) , author: semi Buddha immortal. The reason why I talked about this topic today was when I accepted Interview with” vogue me “, the proposition at that time was the concept of savings and money. It interviewed young people in industries such.. Read More

Forefront | NetEase may plan to go public in Hong Kong on June 11th, may be one week later than NetEase

The return of Chinese stocks is the general trend. Netease and have made new progress in their secondary listing in Hong Kong. According to Reuters, four people familiar with the matter said that NetEase plans to list in Hong Kong on June 11 for a second time, and Jingdong will also be listed a week later. The two transactions, which together can raise US $ 5 billion, will be.. Read More

Academician Ge Junbo: “Scientists who are willing to sit on the cold bench” deserve more praise

“At present, China’s science and technology is at the best development period, but it still faces some problems and challenges. Phenomenon such as quick success, impetuousness, and” circle “culture still occur from time to time. The work style and learning style in the field of science and technology have a long way to go. May On the 24th, in the speech at the second plenary meeting of the Third Session.. Read More

Stagnant income and debt-ridden debt, Endeavor will continue to “catch the robbery” in 2020

Endeavor’s story proves that when the company became a Titanic-like giant ship, the water intake of one cabin had little effect on the giant ship. The fatal thing was that five of them were fed together. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Lazy Bear Sports” (ID: lanxiongsports) , author Xin Xiaotong . How long does it take for a large international company with 7,500 employees to.. Read More

Why can’t we keep advertisers for the 550 million monthly live Weibo?

Weibo is not advancing into the era of advertising 3.0. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Outside the Table” (ID: excel-ers) , Author Zhou Xiao, editor Reno. Released with authorization. Recently, a question titled “Why do you want to uninstall Weibo” has been hot. Under this question, there are more than 9,700 answers, with more than 20 million views, which is even greater than the number.. Read More

The “waste” in this gene contains great potential to fight cancer

This article comes from the public number: Principle (ID: principle1687) , author: Alice Godden (East Anglia University Developmental Biology PhD), title figure from: vision China One Of the nearly 3 billion base pairs that make up the human genome, only 1.1% are exons that can provide genetic instructions. When scientists first figured out the base sequence in the genome, they found that about 24% of it was useless “waste”, and.. Read More