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Three-pronged approach, Microsoft is finally determined to end 32-bit Windows

Although a 64-bit operating system has already been launched, Microsoft has finally set its mind to bid farewell to 32-bit. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Three Easy Life” (ID: IT-3eLife) , The author three easy bacteria. When it comes to “limited sales”, many people may think of various luxury goods, or some electronic products and luxury cars that include manual production links. But did you.. Read More

Kang Xinuo: Ad5 vector new crown vaccine tolerable 28 days after vaccination is worth continuing research

Consino Bio disclosed the first-phase clinical trial results of the new crown vaccine jointly developed by the company and the academician Chen Wei team. In the morning of May 25th, Kang Xinuo Biological Co., Ltd. (Kang Xinuo Biological, 06185.HK) issued an announcement, entitled “Recombinant Adenovirus Type 5 Vector COVID” -19 Vaccine safety, tolerability and immunogenicity: dose escalation, open label, non-random, first human trial “, Phase I study on clinical trials.. Read More

Those expensive electronic products are becoming the starting line after 05

This article comes from the public number: New Weekly (ID: new-weekly) < span class = "text-remarks">, author: Cao Jili, the original title, “you did not pay attention to those who had electronic products, is becoming the starting line after this session of the 05”, the title figure comes from: vision China “This design is really good … can it be promoted nationwide?” Under a report about Beijing middle school students.. Read More

When online ticketing, no ticket can be sold

“Black Swan” flew its wings, dominoes fell one after another, the online ticketing platform was naturally shaky “>” Zinc scale “(ID: znkedu) . Author / Li Wenjie Editor / Li Qinlin In the late spring and early summer, an “Opinion” issued by the State Council finally awakened the sleepy entertainment industry. According to the Guiding Opinions of the State Council on the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of New Coronavirus.. Read More

With daily rumors of excellent fresh financing, how can fresh e-commerce make profit?

“Limited to the high loss rate of the fresh food e-commerce platform, the fresh food e-commerce platform is actually difficult to guarantee the quality and profit of the final product.” ​​”>” Greek red City “(ID: ssgstt) , author: Pan Leiyi. Recently, On the day, fresh fresh e-commerce platform reported that it has received a new round of financing. The current valuation has reached 3 billion US dollars. Investors include.. Read More

Everbright Group Chairman Li Xiaopeng: It is recommended to launch a pilot project for equity investment in financial leasing companies

Li Xiaopeng, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, China Everbright Group, and chairman of the board of directors, said that financial leasing companies have business needs and inherent advantages in equity investment, allowing them to carry out equity investment is conducive to optimizing social financing structure and developing diversified investment entities. It is recommended to carry out pilot projects of equity investment in financial.. Read More

Zoom’s sleepy

Zoom is at least safe. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “DoNews” (ID: ilovedonews) , author Li Suyu. When the epidemic in 2020 was not completely over, Zoom, a video conferencing company, gained a great reputation. In April 2020, more than 300 million active users used the Zoom video conferencing service, which was only 1,000 in December last year. Ten thousand people, soared 3000% in just.. Read More

Haidilao confronts the midlife crisis

This company, which was founded in 1994, is now close to standing, and it is time to consider the direction of the next 30 years. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Yiouwang” (ID: i-yiou) , Author Ji Yujie, editor Yang Xuran. Released with authorization. After “Eighteen”, Haidilao opened another noodle restaurant. This noodle restaurant called “Lao Pai You Mian’er” opened in Chengdu, with an average price.. Read More

Miserable, only Chinese talents buy iPhones this year?

In the spring of 2020, Apple’s ice and fire are twofold. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “雷 科技” (ID: leitech) , author Lei Technology . A few days ago, foreign media CNBC reported that data provided by CINNO Research showed that Apple ’s iPhone sales in China reached 3.9 million in April, an increase of 160% compared to March. After entering April, the domestic mobile.. Read More

Is it a good idea to learn “Motion” to add “stocks” to the game?

This article comes from the public number: Game Grapes (ID: youxiputao) , author: Dia pineapple bun, title figure from the game, “a collection of it! Animal Friends Association Recently, a game has been featured on Weibo because of controversy caused by new gameplay. The reason is that the new gameplay introduced by that game makes many console players have a familiar feeling, such as some kind of melon trading gameplay,.. Read More