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Bleeding every time I have a bowel movement, I have a bowel movement every two days! Bright red

Problem description: Bleeding every time I have a bowel movement, mild constipation! Question date:2020-10-12 Patient information:Age: 35 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your description, the main consideration is caused by hemorrhoids. Guidelines: You should always drink plenty of water and eat more fruits and vegetables, and don’t eat greasy, spicy and irritating foods to keep your bowel movement smooth. It is recommended to use Ma Yinglong Hua.. Read More

Shenzhen Huaqiangbei after the anti-smuggling storm of beauty makeup: follow the trend and start importing food, and businesses complain that it is difficult to balance the off-season

It has been less than a year since Mingtong Digital City, which opened the first imported food zone, and it remains to be seen whether the new label can stand. Editor’s note: This article from the micro-channel public number “noise GlitchTech” (ID: timetech2020), of: Wang Liang, Edit: history into super, Head image: Photo by GlitchTech,released with authorization. In the eyes of Huaqiangbei merchants with a keen sense of smell, “food”.. Read More

Where does the vitality of Chinese society come from?

Another option for a good life. The rural revitalization strategy that is being implemented is of great significance to the further realization of the integration of urban and rural development, and to give play to the protective role of rural society for a better life. Although the countryside is not the driving force of economic development, it does have the unique value of realizing a better life. The third is.. Read More

Carcinoembryonic antigen is elevated (14.25). The gastroscopy and enteroscopy are normal.

Problem description: Carcinoembryonic antigen is elevated (14.25). The gastroscopy and colonoscopy are normal, and there is microgastritis. Have diabetes. Other checks are normal. What else can cause this increase? Question date:2020-10-12 Patient information:Age: 35 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your situation, this small increase generally has little effect. Guiding suggestions: The main thing is to pay attention to rest and relax, not to be too nervous, and.. Read More

Head and back sweat very easily, and love constipation

Problem description: Do a little exercise during the day, such as walking and running, the amount of exercise is not large, the head and back sweats, sweating becomes more serious after strenuous exercise, and often constipation! Question date:2020-10-12 Patient information:Age: 20 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: In this case, first consider the patient’s physical weakness. Personally, I suggest you go to see a Chinese doctor for treatment based on syndrome.. Read More

“Zerokrypton Technology” received strategic investment from Alibaba Health to jointly build a full-disease cycle service platform for cancer patients

Covering the entire disease cycle, from medicine to medicine It is reported that “Zero Krypton Technology” has recently received a strategic investment from Ali Health. The two parties will jointly build a patient-centered and technological innovation-driven full-disease cycle service platform for Chinese cancer patients. Jointly explore the innovative service model of online oncology specialty drugs, and combine online and offline to provide oncology patients with high-quality medical and health services.. Read More

There is a sarcoma in the anus, which needs to be removed

Description of the problem: There is a sarcoma in the anal orifice, which needs to be removed.Date of the problem: 2020-10-12 Patient information: Age: 49 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, the general conservative treatment of this sarcoma is not effective. Guidance suggestion: In this case, it is best to go to a regular hospital for anorectal surgery for treatment. It is best to.. Read More

Lei Jun: Digital services for the elderly should be promoted as soon as possible to be included in the construction of national information infrastructure

Lei Jun said that the current intelligent manufacturing has become a breakthrough for China’s manufacturing and creation, and it is an important support for promoting the conversion of my country’s new and old kinetic energy and achieving high-quality development. Editor’s note: This article from the “Interface News”, author: Wu Yang Yu. On March 4, Lei Jun released relevant suggestions for the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress this.. Read More

Zhao Ting won the Golden Globe, will Hollywood be able to shoot Asian themes?

This article is from WeChat official account:Film and Television Dusheme (ID: dusheme) , author: Feng Yi, the original title: “Zhao Ting change the status quo is not good Asian theme in Hollywood to shoot it? Haha”, the title picture comes from: Visual China In the past few days, the domestic film circle has been screened by Zhao Ting. “A Place to Nowhere”, which won two awards for Best Director and.. Read More

The baby of more than two months sleeps and keeps snoring

Problem description: Babies of more than two months have been snoring while sleeping. If they do not sleep properly, they will always twist their bodies, they will always wake up, and they will cough twice from time to time. Date: 2020-10-12 Patient Information: Age: February Gender: MaleProblem Analysis: Hello, according to In the situation you described, keep warm, don’t catch cold, and give your baby some hot water. Guide suggestion:.. Read More