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Does the potion that makes people lose their memory after a short time of lethargy exist?

Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): Is it possible for Weiwei, ⑨②⑧①⑦(0)⑨④②? Question date:2020-12-03 Patient information:Age: 21 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, there is no such kind of drug that damages the human body. Guide and suggestion: There is no such drug. This is a drug that damages the human body, and there is no such drug… Read More

Except for the second photo and others on the neck, with half of the head pain, the desire to eat

Problem description: Except for the second photo and others on the neck, half of the head hurts, low appetite for eating, cupping to remove blood stasis if the pain is severe, and I have tried many methods for 6 years. , The doctor’s response was viral herpes nerve skin, Question date: 2020-12-03 Patient information: Age: 68 years old gender : MaleProblem analysis:Hello, is your red dot the little red dot.. Read More

How to resist the nipple let the baby re-accept the nipple

Problem description: The baby is two months and 25 days. After giving a pacifier, he refused to eat a pacifier. Sometimes I eat my fingers and sleep on my fingers. How can I get the baby to accept the nipple againQuestion date:2020-12-03 Patient information:Age: February Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Hello, the baby can only accept nipples if she doesn’t give her a pacifier or suck her fingers. Guidelines: How do you.. Read More

TCM diagnosis of malignant tumor is written on the prescription sheet

Problem description: I went to the Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine to prescribe medicine. The clinical diagnosis and TCM diagnosis on the prescription sheet were malignant tumors. What does it mean? Is it diagnosed as a malignant tumor? Question date:2020-12-03 Patient information:Age: 54 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your situation, this cannot rule out the possibility of malignant tumors. Guide suggestion: However, this.. Read More

Long-term discomfort on the lower right side of the left breast, persistent pain, swelling and pain when pressed, sometimes

Problem description:Long-term discomfort on the lower right side of the left breast, persistent pain, swelling pain when pressed, sometimes spreading to the xiphoid process, sometimes accompanied by pain in the ipsilateral back, no obvious abnormality in chest CT , ECG showed sinus bradycardia, 56 beats per minute, positive v1ptf value, incomplete right bundle branch blockQuestion date:2020-12-03 Patient information:Age: 28 years old, Gender: MaleProblem analysis: The first thing to do is.. Read More

The baby’s anus became red for more than a month and it has not been good for more than a month. Today I went to have a polio

Problem description: The baby’s anus has reddened for more than a month and has not been well. I went to have polio today and came back and found that there were small white bubbles around the anus, like herpes.Question date:2020-12-03 Patient information:Age: April Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis:Hello , The red around the baby’s anus is related to the usual use of diapers and airtightness. This is stuffy. Babies who have been.. Read More

Red and swollen eyes for a week

Problem description: The eyes are red and swollen for a week, and there are many secretions. The medications used are levofloxacin eye drops, pranoprofen eye drops, ganciclovir eye gel Question date: 2020-12-03 Patient information:Age: 34 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis:Hello, In your case, consider that your eyes are infected. It is better to rinse your eyes with normal saline before using eye drops. Did you go to the eye exam?.. Read More

When did you get pregnant

Problem description: The same room in early October, my aunt came in mid-October, and then the same room again was in early November. There is no monthly leave from November until now. When did I become pregnant? Question date:2020-12-03 Patient information:Age: 17 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, I am your doctor. I will show it to you. It will take some time. Guidelines: Are there any other symptoms besides.. Read More

I had a hysterectomy twelve years ago, and now I have many urine

Problem description: I had a hysterectomy 12 years ago, and now I always have urine and go to the toilet frequently. Question date:2020-12-03 Patient information:Age: 22 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, your current situation may be a urinary tract infection. If you rule out a urinary tract infection, go to the hospital to check the pelvic ultrasound to rule out the possibility of bladder disease. Guidelines: What is the.. Read More

What does brain myelinopathy mean

Problem description: My father was diagnosed yesterday with white matter demyelinating disease. It feels very serious when it sounds. What does white matter demyelinating disease mean? Question date:2020-11-18 Patient information:Age: 58 Sex: MaleWhite matter demyelinating lesions usually It is the myelin sheath of the white matter nerve fibers of the brain. In the case of inflammation, infection or ischemia, the structure of the outer myelin sheath changes. White matter demyelination.. Read More