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I leaned my forehead while taking a bath and accidentally knocked it. There was a gap and I needed

Problem description: I leaned my forehead while taking a bath and accidentally knocked it. There was a gap. What should I pay attention to? Is it serious?Date of the problem:2021- 03-12 Patient information: Age: 18 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: Hello, I am your doctor. How long is this situation? NS? I’m not very clear.Guide and suggestion: If the wound is deep, you need to go to the hospital for.. Read More

The skin under the hair around the chicken is always itchy and there are bugs

Problem description: The skin under the hair around the chicken has been itchy and there are bugsDate of the problem:2021-03-12 Patient information: Age: 17 years old, Gender: MaleProblem analysis: The root cause of pubic hair is poor hygiene, which is essentially a parasite. Guide and suggestion: Severe cases can cause itching at the attachment. Shave the pubic hair first, and then use sulfur ointment to disinfect the local area. This.. Read More

The child has blood in shit, what’s the matter?

Problem description: A three-year-old child has symptoms of blood during shit. The child says it does not hurt, and there is no other prominent reaction. What is going onDate of the problem:2021-03-12 Patient information:Age: 3 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: It is possible that children have hemorrhoids or anal fissures Caused. In this case, the blood in children’s stools is mainly blood.Guide suggestion: And when the child has a bowel.. Read More

Hello, I want to ask if the test result of this picture is good, is it cancer?

Problem description: Hello, I want to ask if the test result of this picture is good, is it cancer, thank you. Question date:2021-03-12 Patient information:Age: 52 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: From the examination results you provided, these two items are only tumor markers. Guidelines: If the tumor marker test result is positive, based on this situation alone, it cannot be clearly diagnosed as cancer. Recommendations are for reference only… Read More

Is it the reason for the spleen and stomach deficiency that the baby has eaten?

Problem description: A male baby, there are still three days and five months. In the last few days, he has shown that he does not drink milk powder and only drinks breast milk. Since he is already 17 kilograms, the child health doctor recommends adding high-iron rice noodles. These days He just drank breast milk after he stopped eating rice noodles. He loves to spank and has normal bowel movements… Read More

Today, my grandfather went to the field because of the weather and has been coughing till now

Description of the problem: My grandfather went to the field today and has been coughing due to the weather.Date of the problem:2021-03-12 Patient information: Age: 86 years old, Gender: MaleProblem analysis: If you smoke in this situation, you should quit smoking in time and check your chest X-ray. Guide and suggestion: Wear a mask at ordinary times to reduce the bad irritation of smoke and make the cough worse. Recommendations.. Read More

Can I induce labor at 23 weeks of pregnancy? Do family members need to sign? Need a labor induction certificate

Question description: Is it possible to induce labor at 23 weeks of pregnancy? Do family members need to sign? Do I need a labor induction certificate? No files are created. Question date:2021-03-12 Patient information:Age: 20 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your current description, if it is 23 weeks pregnant, it is necessary to induce labor. Guidelines: If you are over 18 years old, you can sign by.. Read More

4 billion stolen and 1.7 billion returned! There is a shocking robbery in the currency circle, hacker: I am not interested in money

On the evening of August 10, Poly Network, a cross-chain decentralized financial platform, announced that it had been hacked. In just 34 minutes, virtual currency worth more than US$610 million (approximately RMB 4 billion) was looted. A multi-billion dollar hacking attack involves a trading platform with frequent loopholes on the one hand, and countless victims on the other. In the whirlpool, this incident is just a microcosm of the chaos.. Read More

I accidentally scratched my hand with a steel pipe. Do I need to break my cold?

Problem description: I accidentally scratched my hand with a steel pipe. Do I need to break the cold? Question date:2021-03-12 Patient information:Age: 15 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, the hand is scratched by the steel plate. Guide and suggestion: In this case, if the scratches are minor, as long as the local area is cleaned and the complexed iodine is disinfected, the injection.. Read More

Weilai Li Bin: Enter the mass market at a low price through a new brand, and launch three new models next year

On August 12, Weilai (NIO) announced its unaudited financial report for the second quarter of fiscal year 2021 ending June 30, 2021. Financial report data shows that in the second quarter of this year, Weilai’s revenue was 8.45 billion yuan, exceeding market expectations of 8.322 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 127.2% and a month-on-month increase of 5.8%; attribution The net loss of ordinary shareholders was 659 million yuan, which.. Read More