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Varicose veins on the back of the right foot are about 5 years long

Problem description: The varicose veins on the right instep lasted about 5 years.Date of the problem: 2021-05-28 Patient information:< /b>Age: 51 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Hello, this situation is mainly to pay attention to rest and do not stand for a long time. Guide and suggestion: Usually try to raise the legs to promote blood circulation. It is recommended to take Maizhiling tablets for treatment. Recommendations are for reference.. Read More

Lipid dermatitis chest pustule rash

Problem description: Lipid dermatitis chest pustule rashDate of problem:2021-05-28 Patient information:Age : 22 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: There is nothing to say about this situation. Anti-inflammatory treatment is the main thing. If you have pustules, you can apply Baiduobang ointment or fusidic acid cream for external use, first apply with iodophor, and then apply the medicine. Guidelines: If there are multiple parts of the body, it is recommended that.. Read More

I want to know what symptom it is. Worry,

Problem description: I want to know what symptoms this is. Worried, almost 23 years old. I discovered it last year, and it seems to have grown bigger this year. Leucorrhea, yellow underwear. Do I have a gynecological disease? I’m so worried.Question date: 2021-05-28 Patient information: Age: 24 years old Gender: Female Problem analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, there are still some hyperplasia caused by inflammation. Guide and.. Read More

The eyes have grown since the day before yesterday. This is very painful. It feels like there is an abscess until now.

Problem description: The eyes have grown since the day before yesterday. This is very painful. It feels like there is an abscess. Now I have a headache. How to treat with erythromycin eye ointment and ofloxacin eye drops? I need to go to the hospital for treatment. Surgery?Question date:2021-05-28 Patient information:Age: 18 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion Analysis: Hello, this is a sty, mainly for anti-inflammatory treatment. Erythromycin is more resistant.. Read More

After married life, they keep coming out and don’t get pregnant.

Problem description: The husband and wife are always out after life and are not pregnant.The date of the problem:2021-05-28 Patient information: b>Age: 32 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: Hello, according to the test results, it is mainly due to decreased sperm motility, which may affect pregnancy. Guidelines: This situation is often related to prostatitis, poor living and eating habits and other factors. Are there any prostate fluid examinations and scrotal.. Read More

Hello doctor, my mother may have a ponytail compressing her nerves, she is walking very seriously now

Problem description:Hello doctor, my mother may have a ponytail compressing her nerves. Now she can’t walk very seriously, her legs and butt hurt, and her stool is not clean. Date of problem: 2021-05-28 Patient information:Age: 59 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Hello, cauda equina compresses nerves , Now it’s very serious that I can’t walk, my legs are painful, my stool is not clean, I need specific treatment to recover, it.. Read More

There is a black raised spot on the right ear, which was there a long time ago, but now it’s bigger

Problem description: There is a black raised spot on the right ear. It has been there a long time ago. Now it has become bigger. I have seen a doctor and used a laser to remove it. Is it okay?The date of the problem :2021-05-28 Patient information:Age: Gender: Problem analysis:Hello, according to the dermoscopy The results show that there is mainly a risk of cancer, so laser removal alone is.. Read More

Eye problems in 4 and a half year old girls

Problem description: My girl usually watches TV and has very few mobile phones. But I always said that my eyes hurt, and sometimes I blinked my eyes. I went to the hospital to have my pupils dilated for examination. Do I need to dilate my pupils? Is there any way to check without pupil dilationQuestion date:2021-05-28 Patient information:Age: 5 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Because if you suspect that your child’s.. Read More

Do I need hepatitis B vaccine?

Problem description: Does this test result need hepatitis B vaccine? Question date:2021-05-28 Patient information:Age: 34 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: This 5 items of hepatitis B are all negative. This situation shows that the body lacks hepatitis B virus resistance and needs to be vaccinated. Guide suggestion: It is recommended to go to the community hospital for vaccination as soon as possible, there are no other problems. Recommendations are for.. Read More

Media: WeChat, Taobao, Douyin, Alipay may usher in “super supervision”

On October 29, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the “Guidelines for Classification and Classification of Internet Platforms (Draft for Comments)” and “Guidelines for the Implementation of Subject Responsibilities of Internet Platforms (Draft for Comments)”. Among them, it is proposed that Internet platforms are to be divided into 6 categories: online sales platform, life service platform, social entertainment platform, information platform, financial service platform, computing application platform, etc., and.. Read More