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I changed my mechanical valve and took the anticoagulant warfarin for life. I checked my blood clotting today.

Description of the problem: I changed the mechanical valve and took the anticoagulant warfarin for life. I checked the blood coagulation today. I want you to see how much warfarin you take.Question Date: 2021-01-25 Patient information:Age: 53 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: This drug needs to be taken Adjust drug metering under the guidance of offline doctors. Guide and suggestion: And it is necessary to review the coagulation picture regularly,.. Read More

How come the five-year-old baby has leftovers in his pants

Problem description: What is the reason for the traces on the pants of the five-year-old baby after pulling the stool? Question date:2021-01-25 Patient information:Age: 5 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your description, this situation should generally be considered 1. The child did not wipe clean after stool. 2. Weakness of the spleen and stomach, intestinal disease, perianal disease, etc. Guiding suggestions:< /b>In this case, if the amount.. Read More

Cracked nipples, like cauliflower, black

Description of the problem: I have never breast-fed, and nipple cream is useless. It doesn’t hurt or itchy.Date of the problem:2021-01-25 Patient information:Age: 20 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, this may be caused by a fungal infection. Guide suggestion: The main thing is to pay attention to personal hygiene at ordinary times. It is recommended to rub some Piyanping treatment and fungal drug.. Read More

Since the child went to school, he has been hospitalized for four consecutive months from October to December.

Problem description: Since the child went to school, he was hospitalized four times from October to December. Therefore, I will check later and take it to the hospital if there is something wrong. So from December I did not stay in the hospital again after the distribution, but I often took the medicine twice within a month. I felt that I took the medicine too many times, and the medicine.. Read More

I am in a bad mood, not hungry but eat a lot, what is the reason

Problem description: Like to pick and bite fingers, it is easy to be sad and easy to get angry, but there is no venting mouth, only silence, very low self-esteem, and impatient. Question date:2021-01-25 Patient information:Age: 17 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your description, you should consider the situation caused by mental illness and the situation of depression. The physical symptoms of depression are low mood, unhappy,.. Read More

Do children with foot pain need to go to the hospital for a filming examination?

Problem description: The pain on the outside of the arch of the foot for a few months should not be very severe. I don’t usually say it hurts but it hurts after the dance class. What should I do? Question date: 2021-01-25 Patient information:Age: 12 years old, Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis:Hello, According to the situation you described, the current consideration is still due to damage and other circumstances. Guide and suggestion:.. Read More

How should chronic cervicitis be treated?

Problem description: How should chronic cervicitis be treated? Question date:2021-01-25 Patient information:Age: 23 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, don’t be nervous in general, it depends on the symptoms and treatment. Guide and suggestion: If you have symptoms, you can use Xiaomi suppository vaginal medication, and regular cervical screening. Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination

Can I continue breastfeeding if I have a cold and rhinitis? Does it affect the child,

Problem description: I have a cold and rhinitis, can I continue breastfeeding after drinking Chinese medicine? Does it affect the child? The child is taking erythromycin and Jianer Qingjieye for 75 days.Question date: 2021-01-25 Patient information:< /b>Age: 34 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: You look good at you. According to the situation you described, this situation does not affect it. Guide suggestion: It is recommended that you should breastfeed after.. Read More

Multiple low-density shadows of varying sizes in the liver parenchyma

Problem description: Multiple low-density shadows of varying sizes in the liver parenchymaDate of the problem: 2021-01-25 Patient information:< /b>Age: 50 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: I suggest you provide the picture, I suggest you send the result, let me see if there is any abnormality. Guidelines: The situation first consider the possibility that the patient may be an existing cyst or hemangioma. Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem.. Read More

Painful urination, redness of the urethra orifice, with white fluid flowing out and yellow, before having a circumcision

Description of the problem: Painful urination, the urethra is red, and white fluid is flowing out, and then the circumcision was performed.Date of the problem:2021-01-25 Patient information:Age: 20 years old, Gender: MaleProblem analysis:Hello, according to the situation you described, after the foreskin is too long, the urethra will appear Red, with white secretions. Guide suggestion: This situation may be an infection of the urethra, it is recommended to keep the.. Read More