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Are multiple uterine fibroids serious?

Problem description: My wife has checked out uterine fibroids. It seems that there are still multiple uterine fibroids. I feel a little scared. Is the situation of multiple uterine fibroids serious? Question date:2020-11-21 Patient information:Age: 30 Gender: FemaleIf the examination has multiple uterine muscles Tumors, you need to see if there are obvious symptoms. If the symptoms are more obvious, they are more serious. You need to consider going to.. Read More

Hybrid Rice: Oriental Magic Rice

Who will feed China in the 21st century? China feeds China! Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Liaowang” (ID: OutlookWeekly1981), author: “Liaowang” Newsweek reporter   Oulu Xu. ◆ From the early stage of reform and opening up to 2019, the contribution rate of my country’s agricultural science and technology progress has increased from 27% to 59.2%. These contributions are allowing more land to play its huge.. Read More

Does uterine fibroids affect menopause?

Problem description: My aunt is suffering from uterine fibroids. I heard that uterine fibroids have a certain effect on women’s menstrual period, so will uterine fibroids affect menopause? Question date:2020-11-21 Patient information:Age: 34 Gender: FemaleUterine fibroids and menopause are not too big relationship. The most common symptoms of uterine fibroids are irregular menstruation, abdominal masses, compression symptoms, frequent urination, urgency, dry stools, abdominal pain and other symptoms. Irregular menstruation is.. Read More

Are there blood clots in uterine fibroids?

Problem description: My wife always feels something in her abdomen after suffering from uterine fibroids. I don’t know what it is. I guess it’s a blood clot. Is there a blood clot in the uterine fibroids? Question date: 2020-11-21 Patient information: Age: 32 Gender: FemaleUterine fibroids are in menstruation There may be blood clots, depending on the size and location of the uterine fibroids. The blood clot of uterine fibroids.. Read More

Beagles who “escaped” the laboratory, start a new “dog life”

This article is from WeChat official account:Liquid value (ID: liquidvalue)< span class="text-remarks">, author: Gao Min, original title: “the dogs that “escape” the laboratory, and the “dogs” that they start again”, head picture from: Visual China After trekking hundreds of kilometers from northern Jiangsu, 1273 arrived in Beijing. This is a beagle with “1273” on the inside of the left ear-it is the number of the laboratory dog. With the wind.. Read More

Uterine fibroids, ginger soak feet, okay?

Problem description: My friend has uterine fibroids and uses hot water to soak his feet every night. Recently, I want to add a little ginger to the water. Can I use ginger to soak my feet with uterine fibroids? Question date:2020-11-21 Patient information:Age: 27 Gender: FemaleGinger feet can promote blood circulation Patients with uterine fibroids can use ginger to soak their feet and have certain benefits for the body. Uterine.. Read More

Do uterine fibroids 50mm need surgery?

Problem description: A few days ago, I accompanied my friend to the hospital for a review of uterine fibroids. I found that the uterine fibroids were already 50mm in size. I was afraid that it would affect the body. Do I need surgery for 50mm uterine fibroids? Question date: 2020-11-21 Patient information: Age: 34 Gender: FemaleIf the uterine fibroids are 50mm, it is recommended Clinically, surgical treatment. Whether a 50mm.. Read More

Will uterine fibroids come to menstruation twice?

Problem description: My wife suffers from uterine fibroids and found that she had two menstrual periods this month. It is suspected that it is caused by uterine fibroids. Will uterine fibroids have two menstrual periods? Question date:2020-11-21 Patient information:Age: 30 Gender: FemaleUterine fibroids generally do not affect Normal menstruation, two menstruation may be caused by endocrine disorders. Uterine fibroids will not affect the number of menstruation. Two menstruation in a.. Read More

Yuan Longping’s “Dream of Enjoying the Cool under the Hemp”

“Save the hunger.” He wrote Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Liaowang” (ID: OutlookWeekly1981), author: “Liaowang” Newsweek reporter   Oulu Xu. He compares rice to nuclear weapons, and his opponent is starvation. He won. “With the help of technological progress, China can completely solve its own food problem, and it can also help the people of the world solve the problem of food.” “Do not be.. Read More

Can multiple uterine fibroids prepare for pregnancy?

Problem description: My wife has multiple uterine fibroids. Recently, I am planning to get pregnant. I am worried that uterine fibroids will affect the baby. Can I get pregnant with multiple uterine fibroids? Question date:2020-11-21 Patient information:Age: 29 Gender: FemaleMultiple uterine fibroids, yes Can be pregnant. Multiple uterine fibroids, refers to both subserosal uterine fibroids, submucosal uterine fibroids, and intramural uterine fibroids in the same uterus. In this case, if.. Read More