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Bear kids are not a good business

author: Angel not investors, title figure from: Vision China The 2020 financial report of Tencent is released. When Sina Technology is talking about the growth of the game business, it specifically listed a content listed in the “Strategic Progress and Prospects” section: We continue to upgrade the healthy game system, aiming to help parents manage the length of time and consumption of young users in the game, and provide a.. Read More

If Apple falls, what might be the reason?

The greatest risk of organizational failure is personal mediocrity. The Translation Bureau is a subordinate translation team, focusing on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing new foreign technologies, new perspectives, and new trends. Editor’s note: It is difficult to have a long-lasting business. It is even more difficult in the ever-changing technological field. At the end of last year, the blue giant IBM, which had survived.. Read More

More than 20 days ago, I had a cold, runny nose, and a slight snoring.

Problem description: More than 20 days ago, I had a cold, runny nose, and slight snoring. Afterwards, my snoring gradually worsened. The hospital checked and filmed to diagnose adenoid hypertrophy. The doctor said it reached two-thirds. I am snoring while sleeping. It seems to be getting worse and the breathing is very laborious. Sometimes the superficial breathing is fast, and then the breathing is forceful, and sometimes the breathing is.. Read More

How did this company be “squeezed” out of China when it became the world’s number one in the industry but recognized itself as an SME?

The king of mini cars is still the king of mini cars, but it can only be the king of mini cars. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “Feng Lun wind horse cow” (ID: fengluntalk), Author: wind horse cattle. Another veteran car company has broken China. Recently, with the change of Changan Suzuki’s name to Lingyao Motors, Suzuki, the last trace of the king of Japanese.. Read More

I haven’t ejaculated for a long time, it’s about a week, the left side is connected to the testicles

Problem description: I haven’t ejaculated for a long time. For about a week, the left side connecting with the testicle will feel swelling and painful and feel very thick, and it will cause pain in the left abdomenQuestion date:2020-10-23 Patient information:Age: 28 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: The situation first It is necessary to rule out whether the patient has inflammation of the seminal vesicles. It is recommended to drink.. Read More

Development opportunities of DPU chips under the computing power economy

How DPU is revolutionizing the next generation of computing infrastructure 01 Computing power has become an advanced productivity The current infrastructure for carrying computing power is data centers of various sizes, from small-scale enterprise-level computing centers with dozens of server nodes to giant data centers with tens of thousands of nodes. Customers provide services such as storage, software, and computing platforms. This ecology directly carries the global digital economy of.. Read More

When the bracelet and glasses are “together”, will the personal computing platform change?

This article is from WeChat official account:Geek Park (ID: geekpark) , author: Shen Han know, thematic map from: Facebook Reality Labs Is this the life you yearn for? Suppose you are about to go out and become an atmosphere team at Starbucks. Your voice assistant will ask you if you want to show you the latest episode of the most recently listened podcast. With a flick of your finger, “click”.. Read More

Xiaomi Q4: Mobile phone sales slowed down, Internet service business surged

The revenue is good, and the growth rate needs to work harder. This article was published in the Tiger Securities community. Xiaomi Group announced the 2020 fourth quarter results report. From the data point of view, Xiaomi’s financial report this time is indeed not satisfactory. What is the reason for the lower than expected? Where is Xiaomi’s financial report? Mobile phone sales are slowing down, Xiaomi lacks “core” In the.. Read More

“The first stock of film and television backdoor” left the market sadly: the market value once exceeded 16 billion, and now it triggers the delisting of 1 yuan face value

Delisting today after three consecutive losses. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Daily Economic News” (ID: nbdnews), reporter: Wen Menghua, Bi Yuanyuan, editor: Dong Xingsheng, Xia Zhijian, Xiao Yong, proofread: Cheng Peng. Original title: “The First Share of “Movie Backdoor” has left the scene sadly! The market value once exceeded 16 billion. Many people have watched the TV series produced. Now it triggers the delisting of.. Read More

Can the water from the vagina of women be eaten? What’s the effect after eating

Question description: Can the water from the vagina of women be eaten? Will there be any effect after eating it? Question date:2020-10-23 Patient information:Age: 33 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: It is vaginal secretions, it moisturizes the vagina and resists external evils, and is generally not eaten. Guide and suggestion: Relax and pay attention to eating less spicy and irritating foods and cold foods. Recommendations are for reference only. If.. Read More