Problem description: I am a high temperature worker, but my scrotum hasn’t been itchy after working in a high temperature environment for several months. I went to XJ once so late in 9.4. The sleeved J scrotum encountered the secretion of the other party. Afterwards, I simply wiped it off with toilet paper, and then I felt a little itchy for half an hour. Then I took a shower when I got home. The next day, I kept itching on September 5, and the bottom of the scrotum covered by the hot work was obvious. Burning sensation, urethra is also a bit itchy, coronary sulcus is also a bit itchy, took leave that afternoon, after the temperature dropped in the air-conditioned room, I obviously felt better and less itchy. I thought it would be better to rest for a night. However, I still itchy when I go to work, the perineum (mainly the burning pain at the bottom of the scrotum), the urethra and coronary sulcus are fine on the 9.7th, and the others are still the same. I resigned on the 9.8th and bought potassium permanganate wash and vitamin B2. The burning sensation is gone (maybe in the air-conditioned room), but the scrotum is still itchy. Until now on September 22, the scrotum is still itchy, but I don’t itch many times a day. I was sitting on the bed too hot today and felt the bottom of the scrotum. I touched the place where I sweated, rubbed the perineum with my hand, and there was a burning sensation again. Today I tightened my scrotum and looked at the white small acne that resembles goose bumps at the root of the hair. One, I heard about the hair follicles. There are no other abnormalities in the lower body of the above content, which is described in the article.
Date of the problem: 2020-09-23
Patient information:< /b>Age: Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Hello, according to your description, consider the hair follicle inflammation and the discomfort caused by fungal infection. It has a lot to do with normal life, hot work environment, and high-risk sex life.
Guide suggestion: It is recommended that you wash thoroughly, spray the perineum and scrotum with Pinot, and apply ketoconazole cream locally. Wear loose, comfortable, breathable, light and oily diet.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection