Problem description: The baby vomited severely when he was born, his nose came out, and I was very worried. I saw it in the hospital. I got a Bifidobacterium triple viable tablet. The stool has been normal. Now two At the age of a month, although the vomiting of milk has decreased, but I still vomit. Suspected of poor digestion, the baby’s tongue is white, milky white, and thick. Bifidobacterium four-linked live bacteria tablets can help digestion. Is it edible? Can this bifidobacterium four-linked tablet be eaten for a long time? How long did you stop eating? Will it take medicine for a long time? Is it good for the baby? I haven’t had a bowel movement in four days, so I’m worried, thank you! !
Question date:2020-10-27
Patient information:Age: February Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described is caused by indigestion, you can take probiotics to regulate the intestines and stomach.
Guide and suggestion: The main recommendation is to pay attention to diet, not to overeating and to drink more hot water to promote excretion, maintain smooth stool, and refrain from frequent breastfeeding.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection