Problem description: Hello, I saw a doctor at your place in September, and my test result was premature ovarian failure. The hormone medicine you prescribed took 21 days and five days later, menstruation, menstruation I continued to take it for three days, and now there are 4 pills left and menstruation occurs. Isn’t this medicine not going to menstruation as long as I take it? Why did the medicine come early
Question date:2020-11-05
Patient information:Age: 35 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Hello, look at the results of your hormone test. The higher follicle-stimulating hormone is premature ovarian failure. If you take this medicine for bleeding now, if the amount is relatively small, you can finish the remaining four pills, if there are more, then don’t take it. Wait a week for the next cycle of medication.
Guidance suggestion: This estrogen-progesterone composite tablet is a hormone, and menstruation may be premature, so don’t worry too much about continuing to take the medicine according to the doctor’s plan.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection