This article is from WeChat official account:New Weekly (ID: new-weekly), author: Lin La, head picture from: “Escape is shameful but useful”

Young people don’t want to get married more and more, and it seems that they have been said to be bad. But when it comes to the topic of marriage and love, I still can’t help but rush to the front line of eating melons.

The East Asian wife Yui Aragaki married the actor Hoshino. The divorce series of Bill Gates’s family has been broadcast to the stage of admitting extramarital affairs. The idol boy group collapsed like dominoes. Children”, they all have climaxing marriage and love stories.

In 2016, the two played husband and wife in the Japanese drama “Escape is Shameful but Useful”. This news is less than half of the Chinese characters that people can understand, but it is enough to be heart-warming.

What’s interesting is that nowadays female stars don’t like to marry rich people. Because of the drama, there are a lot of people, and most of the outsiders who are looking for are evenly matched. Those who married into wealthy families in their early years may still have to rely on themselves to subsidize their families.

The most recent actress who recognized her love affair with an amateur is Wang Ziwen who has been on “Fantastic Again”. When actresses with a history of marriage and childbirth also began to find objects by dating variety shows, it is evident how much traffic has gathered in this pool.

Now, there are more and more channels for people to know people, but the willingness to break the ice is getting less and less. Work greatly reduces spare time, and people who are determined to deal with loneliness think of the old ways.

So, “Hello, the other half”, with Venus as the matchmaker and known as the first marriage and social experiment reality show, turned out. The guests seldom got rid of the scene surrounded by the old women, but they throw out the same clichés——

“Are your family conditions good?” “Does your family also do business?”

“He(favorite object) wants you to give up your current industry, would you do it?”

“A man with a machismo is called a man.” “Can you accept it?”

What’s going on? Don’t people with a million-dollar salary and a 985-year-old have any fresh expectations for marriage and love?

The female guest praised the most by the audience, I and my family hope that the other half “first degree is a top 10 college”.

You pick me up with your annual salary, and I use your academic qualifications to eliminate you

Let’s first take a look at the origins of the guests.

There are vice presidents of advertising companies, post-95s with an annual salary of one million, 985 overseas returnees from scholarly families, outstanding entrepreneurs in Beijing, and divorced and bred styling designers.

Judging from the guests’ annual income starting at 500,000 yuan, this blind date is not a game for ordinary people. But between the new middle class, there is also an endless chain of contempt.

For example, the blind date of the post-95 Ms. Hu, who has an annual salary of one million, has almost no romance.At all. Ask the other party to have an annual salary of one million, and bring her own resources and contacts to help her in her career.

And during the blind date, she also practiced her own standards from time to time:

When confronted with Mr. Lu, an entrepreneur who earns one million a year, Ms. Hu quickly cut into the topic and inquired about the other’s family after a simple greeting, preconceived that Mr. Lu’s career was supported by the family, and finally came to the conclusion that it didn’t sound like Boasting conclusion: “You are more mature than I thought.”

After being beaten by Venus, Ms. Hu was no longer so single-handed and got along well with the second blind date, Mr. Wang, but she still did not let go of the indicators in her mind. After getting an answer that was not as expected, the venue immediately went cold.

But Ms. Hu does not always control the initiative. After pairing with Mr. Zeng who graduated from Tsinghua University, the other party asked to chat on WeChat first and meet again when it was suitable. While she was still immersed in a pleasant chatting atmosphere, Jin Xing’s phone broke her pink bubble: “He thinks your bachelor degree is not up to his standards, then I will take you quickly.”

After the show was broadcast, Mr. Zeng clarified his attitude in Zhihu.

Unlike Ms. Hu, the so-called “gold standard” of some guests began to wander after meeting the “right person”.

For example, Mr. Joe, the vice president of an advertising company. After being a Shanghai-style painter, and engaged in the creative industry, his expectation for blind dates is “Looking for a livingLife partner”. I hope that the other half has the ability and personality, but I don’t want the other half to be taller than himself and be a peer. According to Venus, this is simply looking for a “commercial and residential” type of object.

At the first date, Mr. Joe obviously hadn’t let go of his status as a domineering president. After enthusiastically introducing the project he was dealing with to the blind date, he started another interview-style questioning.

Even if a girl is a human resource, she doesn’t have to come up to assess her business ability.

Another Mr. Wang is even more unabashed about his “double standard”. I hope that the other party has a background in studying abroad, but I also want “a person who is willing to light up and cook noodles for me at home.” I admit that I like gentle girls because of my mother’s influence, and I firmly believe that “a man with machismo is called a man.”

I don’t know if the girl took a stubborn sentence or was really tempted, this one started to ask offensive questions.

However, after meeting the delicate female guests, Mr. Wang changed his previous wording and bluntly stated that he “likes lively and cheerful girls”, and said nothing about the standard of “women should be able to cook”.

In the “Two True and One False” game, Mr. Wang did not deny the authenticity of Article 3.

Mr. Joe also showed his unprecedented enthusiasm after meeting female guests who are professional actors. Although he still secretly poked to show that he wanted the woman to make concessions in his career, but before he finished his meal, he had already begun to plan the next date.

Mr. Qiao was shocked when he discovered that the last female guest did not have a pre-set hard target for the other half.

Interestingly, among the guests that appeared on the show, quite a few of them were dating and dating variety show “twice the pot”, and each had a “previous record”.

It is said that the girl who has been in the cold with an annual salary of less than one million and wrote “seeking for help” on her face did not care about salary and academic qualifications. She has won a lot of glory by relying on her “beautiful” speech, and even succeeded in holding hands on the spot.

The warm-hearted and well-mannered guys, some of them were picked up by netizens for committing domestic violence to their ex-girlfriends, and some were awarded the title of “Sea King” in previous programs.

Two years ago, Ms. Hu said frankly that “the most important thing is to be self-motivated and enterprising.” /”New Blind Date Conference”

Does this further confirm that “standards are changeable” and “true love is hard to find”, or does it show that the so-called marriage and love variety shows are all false prosperity?

When we are watching a love variety show, what do we want to see

The planning idea of ​​”Hello, My Other Half” is to retain the traditional mode of matchmaking with matchmakers while reducing the participation of elders.In turn, the parties’ friends were invited to assist in the check, with a view to presenting a younger appearance.

But to be honest, blind dates are a way to meet strangers with presuppositions. Let young people know how to love through blind dates, and nothing is better than letting someone who has only learned clerks write a poem.

In the love variety show I have come across, the most discussed one should be Han Zong’s “Heart Signal”.

Said it was in love, but there was a hint of reasoning. Amateur guests live and get along in the same building 24 hours a day, and off-site observers use monitors to guess who is more sparkling with whom.

In the meantime, strategy, sincerity, courage, and knowledge are intertwined, and the degree of excitement is no less than that of experiencing a relationship in person. To this day, many people still use it as a “love textbook”, looking for invincible strategies in love.

In the second season of “Heart Signal”, the second female Lin Hyun-joo grabs her elbow and calmly draws closer to the fourth male Jin Hyun-woo. The observer who specializes in psychology was amazed.

But what the audience sees through the program is not only the plan for a rainy day.

Does it fail without taking the lead? Wu Yingzhu, a female with a zero vote at the beginning, won the appreciation of all male guests with sincerity and courage, and the interaction with the beloved is gradually heating up.

Is it invincible to look good? When asked which girl he would invite on a date, the fourth man chose the girl in front of him, adding that he had already dated another ambiguous person, and the audience just wanted to punch him through the screen.

Can we be together if the conditions are right? The fourth female Jin Qiangwei and the first male Jin Dao are both good matches, and the date between the two is perfect, but the fourth female enters the game too late, and the first male already has a second female in his heart.

The interaction between the female one and the male four in the later period makes people call “the sugar content exceeds the standard”. /”Heart Signal 2″

For most East Asian young people who grow up in a step-by-step manner, the existence of love variety shows is almost a missing EQ lesson under test-oriented education.

When “985 with 985”, “annual salary of one million and annual salary of one million” and other new era “door-to-door pairing” standards prevail, such a blind date reality show with extremely high threshold will only make ordinary people even more disappointed in marriage. .

It is inevitable that there will be discord and regret when interacting with others, but if you can lower your expectations of the results and put your heart to the test, it may be possible to get close to the true face of love. This is difficult to achieve in a strong result-oriented blind date scenario.

Welcome to experience the new era of worshiping money

We have had the most popular blind date variety show-“If You Are the One”. But the most impressive thing I want to come now is the few women who worship gold:

“I would rather sit in a BMW and cry than laugh on a bicycle”, Mano, “being a rich woman” “probably because of him(previous Boyfriend) Zhu Zhenfang who broke up without money, but Sun Yali who broke up but refused to return BMW…

The imagination of young people in that era of wealth was mostly based on the psychology of attachment, and it would be better to do it once and for all.

But Nowadays, people covet the “carp” on the face, and secretly plan to “step on the carp to jump over the dragon gate.”

Ms. Hu of “Hello, My Other Half” is hoping that the other half can bring her career support. Venus has reservations about this, she feels that the concept of Venus is too conservative.

In “Heart Signal”, which bought the copyright of Han Zong’s “Heart Signal”, almost no one cared about the love interaction of amateurs, and the speeches of star observers took most of the limelight. A recent hot search related to it, from Yang Chaoyue’s golden sentence “A good job is not easy to find, and a boyfriend can find it at any time”.

Even the Japanese comprehensive “How about a snack machine” full of “green tea”, when the male guest as a hairdresser is over enthusiastic service section, there will be observers subconsciously guessing “He worked so hard, Do you want to stand on your own?”

The observer who does not think of love at all is dissatisfied.

On the same day that the news of “Aragaki Yui’s Marriage” was revealed, the married Rimi Ishihara was rumored to be “willing to retire from politics.”

Look, even female stars are not satisfied with the career in front of them. Ordinary people can still count on getting marriedTo what?

It doesn’t matter if you miss the right person, it’s a big trouble if you delay your future. When the love filter is shattered by reality, don’t blame the young people who open their mouths and shut their mouths as conditions for choosing a mate.

There are millions of idols in the world, we will change this after we have finished it.

Reference material:

“Hello Other Half”: Female guest Hu Shichen and blind date partner Lu Changze have both participated in the blind date show, Qiwen Entertainment, 2021-04-18

“Hello, the other half”: Are there only “standards” left for blind dates? , Zeng Yuli, The Paper, May 10, 2021

This time, Koreans finally plan to have a textbook love relationship, Luo Ting, character, 2018-06-09

It is the first country that was forgotten by the hot search, Sir movie, 2020-02-28

This article is from WeChat official account:New Weekly (ID: new-weekly), author: Lin spicy