Problem description: The last menstrual period was on November 15th, and the pregnancy was more than five weeks detected by b-ultrasound on December 30th. I had the same intercourse on December 4th. Is this pregnancy related to the same intercourse on the 4th? ?
Question date:2021-01-01
Patient information:Age: Gender:
Question analysis:The last menstruation that came on November 15th. An ultrasound examination on December 30 indicated that the pregnancy was five weeks plus. Explain when you were pregnant. Less than menopause time. Because it is calculated by the last menstrual period. You should be pregnant for 45 days. Because the calculation of pregnancy time is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period. In this way, it means that you have a wrong ovulation period. It has little to do with sex life on the 4th.
Guide and suggestion: I suggest you review it regularly. Do not touch toxic substances during pregnancy and do not abuse antibiotics. You can check the chorionic gonadotropin. This can be used to calculate the time of conception.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection