Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): Symptom description: The liquid nitrogen wart body at the lower right side of the external vaginal opening bleeds after freezing, leaving red and swollen wound areas, 2 How to alleviate the ill-fated after a month.
Treatment process: hpv was diagnosed in September. When the vulva was treated with liquid nitrogen for the last time in November, the operator had a spot of bleeding from the vulva, and a lot of blood came out, and then didn’t care at first, and then went to Pait Zero for treatment. But every time because of the wound left by the vulva, whether it is opening the speculum or applying the medicine, it hurts terribly. It hurts when the cotton swab is touched, and it doesn’t hurt if you don’t touch it, but the hpv will soon be cured. Months, the wound in the vulva is not healed at all. It doesn’t mean to get better a little bit, but it hurts when I touch it. Even if my hpv gets better, I can’t have sex anymore.
May I ask what medicine I can touch and how can I cure this place as soon as possible.
Help! Have you ever gone to the hospital for treatment: Haven’t been to the current medication Description: No medication, previous medical and surgical history: None
Date of question: 2021-01-04
Patient information :Age: 25 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis: If the wound has not been healed, you need to apply some liquid that promotes the elimination and repair, such as the new rehabilitation liquid. Or growth factor gel.
Guide and suggestion: In addition, regular treatment of HPV, regular medication treatment, and also pay attention to protect yourself, and then review regularly.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination