Problem description: My 17-year-old aunt is often inaccurate. Now she has not had her menstrual period for three months. During this period, she took emergency contraceptives at the end of September. Aunt came in October and then did not come in November. , I tested it with a pregnancy test stick, a bar, until now my aunt hasn’t come, recently my belly is a bit bigger, hard, and there is a line under the belly, this is why
the date of the problem :2021-01-25
Patient information:Age: 17 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis:A 17-year-old girl is not yet Minors, some women can have irregular menstruation, and menstruation can also be irregular after taking emergency contraceptives.
Guide and suggestion: I suggest you do a color Doppler ultrasound and six sex hormone tests. According to the results, you can treat symptomatically, and you can take progesterone if necessary.
Suggestion is for reference only, questions In serious cases, please go to the hospital for detailed examination