Problem description: Hello, doctor. Some time ago, there were a lot of filiform warts on my neck. I went to the hospital and the laser was spotted. But looking in the mirror these few days, there seems to be a lot of warts on the beard. I don’t know if it was because the beard was shaved, so the doctor didn’t find out. I want to ask doctors, are there warts on my beard?
Question date:2021-02-17
Patient information:Age: 32 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello! After seeing your description, looking at the picture is mainly because the hair follicles are more serious, usually caused by blocked pores, pay attention to keep the local clean, avoid scratching, and do not eat spicy food.
Guidelines: Considering the possibility of hair follicle inflammation, you can add a little salt when washing your face with warm water to keep it clean and dry. If it is serious, you can use erythromycin ointment. If it does not improve, go to the dermatology department an examination.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection