Problem description: The child is 4 years old, a male, and started pulling watery stools with fever yesterday afternoon. The blood routine report is as follows. The neutrophils are high and the white blood cells are normal. The doctor said to take cephalosporins, do I need cephalosporins?
Question date:2021-02-18
Patient information:Age: 4 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello! After seeing your description, the baby pulls watery stools, has a fever, and has elevated neutrophils. In this case, acute enteritis should be considered. After bacterial infections, blood routines will have elevated neutrophils and require cephalosporin antibiotics. Diseases caused by bacterial infections.
Guide and suggestion: During the acute attack, the suggestion is to actively cooperate with the doctor to take medication. So as not to aggravate the condition and cause dehydration of the child. The daily diet should pay attention to reasonable feeding, ensure a balanced nutrition, and do a good job of dietary hygiene.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection