Problem description: January 06, 2021, the right hand tail finger extensor tendon surgery, plaster fixation for 3 weeks, steel nails and finger cuffs for 47, then remove the nails. The finger cuffs were fixed for 2 months, now 62 days, it seems that the fingers are a little bend, but they can’t bend voluntarily, how to do functional exercises?
Question date:2021-03-09
Patient information:Age: 82 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, take the initiative to exercise according to your description, don’t worry, take your time, there should be a process
Guiding suggestion: To step by step, do not overdo it, you can do stretch exercises with your fingers. Slowly increase the mobility of your fingers.
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination