This article comes from the WeChat public account:Sir movie (ID: dushetv), author: poison Sir, the question from the map: “happy Camp”

On the first day after the college entrance examination, many people have already arranged their hair coloring.

Because of this colorful and dreamy hair, it has been sealed for many years.

Parents are not allowed to dye, school is not allowed to dye, even animation is not allowed to be dyed-some time ago, an animation of Hunan Satellite TV “Phoenix Girl 2” was reported because the characters in it were dyed. Reasons It is the characters in the hair that are colorful, dressed in fancy dresses and still dressing up on stage, “there is a problem with value orientation.”

Hunan Radio and Television Reply:

1. There is no problem with the values ​​of this cartoon.

2. The production company stated that in order to improve the recognition of the characters, the hair is designed to have different colors, and it is not to promote hair coloring.

Is it okay?

The Golden Eagle cartoon of Hunan Satellite TV is very interesting, and the “Phoenix Girl 2” was stopped for the first time.

Everyone was stunned and built one after anotherDiscussion: Go to watch black and white TV.

This is not the first time that the cartoons of Hunan Satellite TV Golden Eagle Cartoon Channel have been removed from related cartoons for reporting.

Thirteen years ago, Golden Eagle Cartoon, CCTV and other channels aired “The Legend of the Seven Heroes of the Rainbow Cat and the Blue Rabbit”. Once it was broadcast that year, it reached the highest rating in the Golden File.

Some people say that it is “the only cartoon that can be comparable to Japanese Man and American Man” in the history of Chinese animation.

Douban is still at a high score of 9.5.

But half a year after the broadcast, it was reported by a parent that it was “a bad animation that collected violence, eroticism, swearing, and intimidation, and should be stopped immediately.”

The ending is the same as “Phoenix Girl 2”, “Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit” announced to stop broadcasting.

Not only in the field of animation, but also in “The Variety Show” written by Sir, Hunan Satellite TV has been at the forefront of entertainment in the mainland for many years. It has also suffered from criticism, reports, and rectifications. By.

Mango Terrace has been a metamorphosis for a PTSD and allergy patient for more than 20 years.


In 2004, Hunan Station was officially positioned as “Happy China”, and was established as an entertainment platform.

On the one hand, the variety show “Happy Base Camp”, which focuses on entertainment effects, is so popular that even small hotels near Beijing Railway Station can be used to solicit customers: the shop can watch Hunan Base’s “Happy Base Camp”.

Until 2005, the talent show “Super Girls” was like a deep-water bomb, which detonated Hunan Satellite TV at once, and the whole people fell into the idol fan chase.

Some scholars even said in an interview that watching “super girls” means fulfilling their social responsibilities.

△ Support the “corns” of Li Yuchun

In 2005, when mobile phones were still precious, the number of mobile phone users nationwide had not reached 400 million.

The total number of votes for the “Super Girl Voice” SMS vote reached 300 million votes.

This is the first time in China that “you have one vote, I have one vote”, and has chosen his idol.

However, how hot Super Girl is, how strict the subsequent rectification will be.

In the second year, “regulations” came out–

Out-of-office voting methods such as mobile voting, telephone voting, and online voting cannot be used for draft programs.

In 2007, Hunan Satellite TV wanted to hold “Male Super Girl”: “Super Male Voice”.

But at this time, “Super” has a problem.

“You can’t call it “Super Male”, if you want to call it “Happy Male”, you should also avoid the scene of the singer’s tears, the crying of relatives and friends with headaches, and the fanatic call of fans.”

But it’s not that simple.

The Changsha singing district, known as the “pink brother”, took the stage in feminine dress, and one stone stirred the waves.

People’s Daily called him a “pink brother that people can’t look straight at” and even criticized Hunan Satellite TV for “malicious hype”.

In 2005, Super Girl and 2007 Fast Man made Hunan Satellite TV reach its first peak.

After the pinnacle, it was a big move.

Previously, restrictions on voting, restrictions on cross-dressing, and restrictions on killing Matt’s hairstyle.

Later developed into restricted entertainment–

The “Entertainment Restriction Order” is here.

Limited time period. “Quick Edition” began to increase a large number of amateur guests only in order to meet the “restricted entertainment order” “All-Star lineup cannot enter the golden gear.”

Limit time. The total duration of “Quick Book” and “Everyday Up” is compressed to 90 minutes.

Limit the number. The total number of entertainment programs broadcast every week cannot exceed 2 files.

What about the vacant schedule? Hunan Satellite TVIt is supplemented with several programs on the construction of legal system and civic morality, “Civilian Heroes” and “Trio of Dialectics”.

△ “Civilian Heroes” and “Trio of Debates”

However, this time the rectification proves that the audience has no loyalty to the TV station, They only follow the entertainment content.

The ratings of “Quick Book” and “Everyday Up”, which soon shrank, fell sharply and advertisers ran out of orders. For many years, Mango Terrace, a provincial TV overlord, retired for the first time.

At its worst, it only ranked 18th nationwide.

“Many important transfers in the worldThe discount happened when it was unexpected. Does this mean that people are powerless to the development of things? Talk about your understanding and thinking about this issue. “

This is the composition question for this year’s Shanghai College Entrance Examination. And this question, Hunan Satellite TV has been stumbled for 20 years.


In 2012, Hunan Satellite TV came to the lowest valley, but changes are also brewing.

Once again, Mango took the lead in taking the lead – starting a reality show.

In 2013, “Where Dad Goes” introduced Han Zong’s model. Unlike the “barbarous growth” of the early “Super Girl” and “Quick Book”, “Where is Dad”? At the beginning of the show, Hunan Satellite TV came to the audience with the concept of “positive energy”.

Parent-child interaction, calling for the return of fatherly love, family positive energy.

It became the highest-rated variety show that year.

A statistic: In 2013, the naming fee for the first season of “Where did Dad go” was only 28 million, and the naming fee for the second season has exceeded 310 million, a tenfold increase. By 2015, the title of the third season sold 500 million high prices.

It seems to be a law. Anything that starts to fire must be rectified and followed.

The spearhead quickly pointed to Mango Channel’s “Where’s Dad?”-Excessive consumption of celebrity children is not conducive to the healthy growth of teenagers.

In 2016, the “Child Restriction Order” was launched to strictly control the participation of star children in the show. “Where is Daddy” had to be broadcast online on Mango TV. However, in 2018, the audience could not wait for it on Mango TV, and there was only a statement that it would stop broadcasting indefinitely.

Because of all the hard work, Mango Terrace has already practiced a kung fu of flashing.

Any problem can be dealt with like a stream. Four days after the “Wu Mei Niang Legend” was discontinued in 2015, the audience suddenly found out, hey, Wu Mei Niang’s chest was gone, and they all turned into big shots.

Tranquility was questioned because of wearing a black robe of suspected religious nature in Hua Shao 2. The mango table was so powerful that it turned tranquility into a cactus and dragon ball hairstyle walking in the desert….

The host was approved for hair coloring in the show. Da Zhangwei’s hair in “Everyday is Up” was originally dark green, and he decisively dyed his hair black.

Being contingent is a place for entertainment.

But even so, the ever-more stringent standards can never be stopped.

Love Reality TV show “Golden Bachelor” was criticized and exposed, teased by the lens, and was directly offline. The news program “Jingshi Focus”, a news program that focuses on people’s livelihood, has a high proportion of negative news, and the topic of “Peerless Double Pepper” is vulgar and vulgar. …

Watching TV was originally for entertainment.

But why do so many people nowadays find it hard to find?

Gradually, our programs no longer serve the widest audience, but only focus on the most nervous people.

This kind of obsessive and pure obsessive-compulsive disorder has become uncomfortable.


There is a movie called “Thirteen Dogs”.

The girl got a dog as a gift, she really called a joy, take care of it every day, play with it.

One day, the dog was lost. In the process of retrieving the dog, she and her family tore a young wound that could not heal.

You don’t need to repeat it in detail. From the end, you can see how thrilling-at the dinner, my father’s friend sandwiched her a piece of dog meat…

She politely said thank you and ate it.

Once on the street, she met the lost dog again. How did cousin Ren bite, she only said, that is not.

Peaceful but extremely sad.

That was she who was evicted from adolescence, no longer crying, no longer rebelling, no longer insisting on the answer that was right in your heart.

I grew up and learned to be sensible. After all, “this kind of thing, there will be more in the future.”

The terrible thing about Dog Thirteen is that it is not just a youth movie, but something that each of us has experienced.

You can’t bear to reveal the real expression behind the sensible.

In 2017, the resurrected “Happy Boys” emphasized singing on five continents. Through the establishment of the “Happy Boys” draft overseas division in countries along the Silk Road, international players were selected to participate in China, and they were invited to “experience China”. Experience the identity of the home to deeply experience the Chinese culture.

Use singing as a link to connect the world.

In 2018, “Longing for Life 2” started from the beginning with the slogan “Response to Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers”, which aims to guide the public to start from the program, pay attention to the development goals of agricultural products processing, and pay attention to the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

Mango Channel has created a new style of programming with a sensitive sense of smell and a sensible smile.

Rather than waiting to be pointed out, it has learned to actively filter out all possible problems.

For example, “change lyrics”.

Change the ambiguous and doubtful ones to be positive and positive.

At the “May 4th” party last year on Mango, the new pants band sang “Do you want to dance?” “Sad” was changed to “Happy”; “Lonely” was changed to “Lively”; “Relentless” was changed to “Passionate”; “Decadence” was changed to “Happy”.

This year’s “Singer · Year of Fighting” on Mango Channel, the tour group sang “bye bye”.

“The world of gunfire” has become a “strong world”; “the world of unspoken rules” has become a “light rose-colored world”.

Zhou Shen’s “Dania”, “The Lonely Soul, the World of Ghosts”, became “The Lonely World of One Man”.


Sometimes, the brothers and sisters of the subtitle group are tired and don’t do it anymore.

Yuan Weiya sang “Midsummer Light Years”, because the background of the lyrics involves homosexuality, they simply did not put subtitles.

There is also the omnipotent “mosaic” Dafa. In “My Boy”, Chen Xuedong’s pigtails were covered; when Di Ligeba appeared in “Quick Book”, the clothes she wore had “bad pattern guides”, so they were mosaiced.

Wei Wenbin, the head of Hunan TV Station, said in an interview after retirement:

I once gave ” The program team of “Happy Camp” wrote a letter. I said that the purpose of “Happy Camp” is to be relaxed and happy, so that people can enjoy a kind of enjoyment and relief while sitting in front of the TV. …So, we have had enough education since childhood. When we were young, we were educated by father and mother, and when the unit was led by the leader, and returned home, if the wife didn’t find something good, the wife would still care about you, sitting in front of the TV. TV is also educating you.

Today, we always sayThis is an era of “entertainment to death”.

Ironically, what we are missing and the most rare is not pure, completely untied entertainment?

On the one hand, some people say that entertainment has caused fire and corrupted young people; on the other hand, entertainment has never been able to play seriously and form a more perfect work in a state of overwhelming and dodging.


When a program is “limited”, it is possible to turn the gun head, develop new programs, and find the next growth point.

But entertainment is still monotonous, Because in the end, all our channels of relaxation, in the end, have become a constant game–Minesweeper.

This article comes from the WeChat public account:Sir movie (ID: dushetv), author: poison Sir, Editorial Assistant: An Ozu 4 Lang