Liushu Town is a large town with a population of 60,000. Regarding the candidate for the mayor, the Organization Department accepted the arrangement of the Municipal Organization Department to carry out reform experiments. Instead of directly arranging people to be the mayor, it was up to the local elites to freely campaign.
I am eligible, so I participated in the election.
Nearly 100 people came to run for the mayor of this town, and many of them were leaders’ children. There are also several masters and one doctor. However, my advantage is that I am a writer.
How can we win by surprise? I have my own way.
In the first round of the election, he won, defeated nearly a hundred candidates, and became one of the ten candidates.
In the second round, I used the same method to become one of the two candidates.
In the two elections, I still seem to have the upper hand. Because my trick is: I promise to donate all my wages to the poor students in the middle school of the town during the term when I am the mayor.
The people at the same time ask, then what do you live for? I plausibly say that I use my contribution fees to support my family.
This is invincible. I have a credible source of life, and I firmly believe that I will govern incorruptible, and there is a lot of love there. The applause of the crowd was particularly high.
One day after the election, the leader of the organization called me out and asked me how much manuscript fees can I earn in a year? I said, three to fifty thousand a year, no less than salary. The leader was very happy and asked me to make a list of every contribution fee for the past three years.
I was sweating on my forehead, and I admit that I was bragging. But I finally listed it truthfully.
Last year, my manuscript fee was 7,500 yuan.
The year before last, my contribution fee was 3,800 yuan.
Last year, my contribution fee was 1,700 yuan.
The leader said, why is your contribution fee lower every year?
I said, I went to write a novel, and this success cost millions of contributions.
The leader said, have you written it well?
I said, I am writing.
The leader said, can it be published?
I said, I believe the editor will have insight.
The leader said, what is the monthly salary of your spouse?
I said, 900 yuan.
The leader said, if your novels cannot be published for five years or ten years, how will your family live?
I said, I will go back to the city to make money by riding a tricycle at night.
The leader nodded and let me go.
When the results were finally announced, my election failed.
I was very dissatisfied, and went to the leader who said what counts. I asked him, I did not receive salary for five years, where can I find this? Couldn’t I be the mayor like this?
The leader said, as a result, you will run to two polesend. Both extremes are bad, so you are not suitable for the mayor.
I said, which two extremes will I go to?
The leader said, either you may be very corrupt. Either you may be innocent as a beggar. This is not what the organization expects.