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Can’t afford to rent, Xu Liushan quietly closes the shop

This article is from public number: investment community (ID: pedalaily2012) , author: Qian any, from the title FIG ctrip Being caught off guard, another time-honored family is pushed to the cusp. On March 13, according to Hong Kong media reports, the well-known chain dessert brand Xu Liushan was continuously rented by the owner. On March 11, Quanji Toys Co., Ltd. entered the Hong Kong High Court for liquidation. The website.. Read More

Behind this Steam ’s second best-selling blockbuster in the world, I see my ambition

“Tribe and Scimitar” is actually acting as a proxy. Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Game grape” (ID: youxiputao) , Author Skull of Thomas. On March 13th, my heart made an announcement, saying that I officially released the “Tribe and Machete” of the Han squirrel. “Tribe and Machete” is the first domestic stand-alone explosion model this year. It once ranked first on the Steam Country Hot List.. Read More

I miss the years when the “hit girl” was on the big screen

This article is from public number: make a movie together (ID: yiqipaidianying) , author: Zhao, title figure from the movie” Mulan “ Choose from the cast, file, imageView2 / 2 / w / 1000 / format / jpg / interlace / 1 / q / 85 “data-w =” 1010 “data-h =” 724 ” > In the prosperous era of martial arts films, as long as they were willing to.. Read More

Development of overseas business reversed the trend, BAIC acquired 24.78% equity of BAIC International and BAIC Ruili

The transaction price was RMB 80,593,000. Editor’s note: This article comes from “ Future Car Daily ” (WeChat public account ID: auto-time), author: Jiaoman Ting. Author | Jiao Manting Edit | Li Huanhuan When the auto market is cold, BAIC Motors chose to develop overseas business to “save the market.” In the evening of March 15, BAIC Motor released Announcement states that the company has signed an equity transfer agreement.. Read More

I bought fruits that help my farmer, why are all rotten?

Photo by Maria Teneva Unsplash, this article is from WeChat public account: Fat Rabbit Finance (ID: pangtu2019) < / a> , author: Zhang is the There are middlemen who make a difference. From an Internet company’s slogan, it has gradually become a buzzword. It is impossible to see others making their own money. This popular slogan caters to such a strange and distorted psychology. It doesn’t matter if other people.. Read More

Aged Seth tells the story of a Beijing city

Sete’s Glory and Decay Set, a former shopping pilgrimage site, will close in another 20 days. Every old Beijing in the 90’s knew this place called “Site”, and the door plaque on the door was said to have been personally answered by Xu Jinglei. It used to be as famous as Lufthansa and Blue Harbor, just like SKP’s later status, attracting millions of luxury lovers every month. It appeared in.. Read More

The hidden worry behind currency easing: the liquidity trap is approaching

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash, this article is from WeChat public account: Suning WealthInsights , author: Tao Jin Now the environment facing policymakers is more and more like the “Great Depression” 90 years ago. The effectiveness of monetary policy has been tested more and more, and the liquidity trap is approaching. Today is the day when the central bank officially lowers its quota. Three days ago, the central bank.. Read More

Live at Station B or run towards Douyin? Movie review number survival secrets

This article is from the public number: Blowfish Film Archive (ID: htysda) , author: Xie Weiping, the original title of” B station high viscosity, vibrato rose pink , Film reviews No. Tale of Two Cities “ In the past, the audience ’s attitude toward watching a film and television drama was dominated by film critics, but now it is the era of short videos, and film and television numbers in.. Read More

Liang Jianzhang: Entry quarantine should be managed in stages to avoid one size fits all!

Author | Liang Jianzhang Title | IC photo At a press conference held on March 15, a spokesperson for the National Health Commission said that there had been no new reports of local confirmed cases in Hubei and cities other than Wuhan. They have been in single digits since February 27, and have reported zero for 3 consecutive days. There is no doubt that the number of “locally diagnosed cases”.. Read More