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When the idea is seen by Apple, how should third-party applications survive?

turning the iPad into a Mac device The second display is a long-standing desire for dual iPad and Macbook users. Luna Display was once the best solution for the second screen on the market, with equal display and painting The reason why the quality transmission is not lost, the reason why it was “once” is that Apple has already fulfilled the above requirements with the “Sidecar” function in the latest.. Read More

The heart can’t save the nest

While playing hard to burn money, while still not making money, the reward event fully exposed the anxiety of Fengchao. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “bullet finance” (ID: wwwhygc ), author Yin Taibai. 01Anxiety behind the discussion The Fengchao Express Cabinet was once again pushed into the whirlpool of public opinion by misleading users to “pay the money to open the cabinet”. According to the user.. Read More

Observing + | Saving Chinese garment factories and improving the efficiency of the assembly line is not enough

Flexible supply chain and customized manufacturing are part of China’s strategy to promote industrial development toward intelligence. If these efforts are successful, it will greatly enhance the competitiveness of Chinese companies in these areas, while at the same time reshaping the pattern of global manufacturing in the future. 文 | Dong Jinpeng At 7 in the morning, take the D2281 train from Nanjing and go south, 14 hours to the.. Read More

Comet Evening News | Didi will open autopilot manned test; Weilai will launch used car service; WeWork loses big customer Google

Ye Jieping, head of Didi AI Labs, revealed that users will soon be able to experience the drone driver in a specific area of ​​Shanghai. Big company Drip Ye Jieping: Users can quickly experience autopilot in Shanghai Ye Jieping, vice president of Didi’s trip and head of AI Labs, revealed that users will soon be able to experience drip drones in specific areas of Shanghai. Previously, in August, Didi got.. Read More

If you want to publish your paper, should you submit it on a weekly basis?

Submitted at different times, the draft rate is three times worse Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Quantum Bit” (ID: QbitAI), author Guo Yizhen. A paper submission can be done in a timely manner, paying attention to time, place, and people. In addition to the research itself, it has been found that submission time is also a key factor influencing the publication of the paper. We have.. Read More

The world’s largest biometric data system is “killing” the poor in India

It is even more difficult. Image from: Quartz Although it has been launched for 10 years, there are still many technical problems in this system, such as the machine is not stable enough, more importantly, India’s network infrastructure is not perfect, Internet coverage is less than 40%, and biometric identification The machine does not support offline work, which makes many eligible people do not receive social benefits. According to the.. Read More

Real estate: the “golden age” forever

The external environment affects the rhythm, but it does not change the trend. Only by grasping the real needs of the market can you cross the cycle of fog. Real estate is always a “golden age.” But the question is: Who is the protagonist? Is there any relationship between you and the protagonist? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account: now lead observe, (ID: xiaoershuyouhui) , author: blank,.. Read More

The annual sales target average is over 70%, and some 100 billion housing companies have insufficient stamina.

Winter is approaching, the winter of real estate seems to come earlier. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account: News and property, (ID: hexunhouse) , author: Dan Dan Chang, authorized reprint According to the data of Kerry, the market performance of the “Golden Nine” market in the traditional sales season just ended is unremarkable. The transaction volume of new commercial residential buildings in key cities fell by 6%,.. Read More

There are two kinds of people who are bankrupt: one knows nothing, one knows everything.

This article is from WeChat public account:Total Sugar (ID: clairetangmedia), author: overall total sugar, cover: vision China This article is a recent reflection, the conclusion is simple: Don’t be greedy, keeping money may be more worthy of your attention than making money. Looked at a lot of information, news, and old news, and accidentally wrote a financial science research report. It takes 7 minutes to read, and it’s not a.. Read More

$100 a line of code, open source software in the end to make money?

The open source model is no simpler than the traditional commercial software model. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public number “CSDN” (ID:CSDNnews) , author | Gu Yu, Editor | Hu Wei. Many startups are troubled by how to design a business model for open source projects. The following content is the author’s current exploration of this issue, and the right to use it. Open source license Since we.. Read More