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What is applied drama and how does it protect our mental health? (On)

This article comes from WeChat public account: thorn bird habitat (ID: gh_82e4459bdea4) , Speaker: Lai Shuya, Head of Taiwan Applied Theater Development Center, Lecture Arrangement: Ball Coaching In May, we invited Mr. Lai Shuya, the head of Taiwan Applied Theater Development Center. She shared the experience and experience of combining applied theater with social work with local social workers in Nanjing and partners who are interested in social workers. The.. Read More

Is Radixavir a new medicine for new crown pneumonia?

This article comes from Tencent Network , author : Ji Zhenyu, Liu Peng, the original title “ The first 17 hours of clinical patients from severe to recovery of redecive is really a new medicine for new coronary pneumonia? 》 A cure case based on the “compassionate use of drugs” guideline allows US pharmaceutical company Gilead to develop a drug Redecive against Ebola virus a few years ago (Remdesivir) ,.. Read More

Can takeaways save restaurants now? Xibei native chicken said like this!

Closed stores, staff on standby, food sales … In this epidemic that swept China, the catering industry with a market size of more than four trillion was pressed the pause button, and everyone who was involved was anxious. Jia Guolong, chairman of Xibei Catering, previously accepted When interviewing China Investment Network , the problem was more straightforward: 400 Xibei noodle village stores were basically closed and only part of the.. Read More

A response to the infringement completely uncovered the benefits of “Wild Wolf Disco” Rashomon

Author: Lin Fujiko, title figure from: Gem Gem microblogging At noon on February 3, the attorney Zhao, who was commissioned, stated that the Beat (Hip-Hop Musical Accompaniment) in Disco / span> did not obtain commercial use authorization, but was rejected after the copyright owner actively contacted the gem gem team, the news once again sparked public discussion about music plagiarism. Admittedly, “Wild Wolf Disco” has nothing to do with plagiarism… Read More

Breakthrough the talent ceiling and decode the four major trends of human resources in 2020

New changes bring new opportunities Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “红 杉 汇” (ID : Sequoiacap), author Hong Shan. Changes in the field of human resources have always been one of the important indicators of the development of enterprises and even the industry. In 2020, new trends have been revealed. How to continuously attract and retain talents is crucial in a special period of time. Proactive.. Read More

Shuanghuanglian went to the front

Shuanghuanglian experienced a night of magical robberies, and then rose to a daily limit on A shares. 文 梦 家 菜菜 Edit Hong Hong On February 3, the A-share market opened. Of the total 3,792 companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen, 3,185 stocks had their daily limit. In a cloud of misery, a group of “Shuanghuanglian concept stocks” ushered in a head start against the market. Take Harbin Pharmaceutical Group, the.. Read More

Under the epidemic, the timely rain of small and micro enterprises has come

The epidemic will eventually pass, and the decline will pass, but this time is worth remembering! Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Suning WealthInsights” (ID: SuningWealthInsights), author Xue Hongyan, researchers Chen Jianing and Huang Dazhi. The Spring Festival holiday is over, and the impact of the pneumonia epidemic on all walks of life has gradually emerged. Delayed construction was set aside, and isolation caused commercial inefficiency. For.. Read More

Behind the smartphone changes, those disappearing phone accessories

This article comes from WeChat public account “Geek Choice” (ID: GeekChoice), who is the author Hero, Ai Faner released with permission. You can’t go anywhere this Spring Festival. You can only stay at home during the Spring Festival. Many people can only use Weibo and WeChat, and always pay attention to the situation outside. Although it ’s boring to play with mobile phones every day, I have to say that.. Read More

What is the way for the American company that made the new “medicine” for new coronary pneumonia?

On February 1st, the authoritative medical journal “New England Medical Journal” (NEJM) published a number of papers on new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) cases online, one of which was about The case diagnosis and treatment process and the clinical manifestations of articles, after translation, quickly attracted domestic attention. A 35-year-old man returned to Washington State after visiting his family from Wuhan, China, and was diagnosed with the new coronavirus. On the seventh.. Read More

Under the economic crisis, people regained the cooperative model?

This article comes from WeChat public account: 706 Youth Space (ID: qnkj706) , the original title “after the demise of capitalism, cooperatives will dominate the world do ① | traditional cooperative performance under the economic crisis”, author: fifth, transcripts: YINLI, Ake Jia The content of this article is based on the on-site audio recording of Sharon’s Decade of Cooperatives: Growth, Challenges, and New Trends by the sharing salon, with additions,.. Read More