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The first day of plunge, where does the stock market go from here? Are investors going or staying?

Author: Lusheng Bin, Gu Huijun, from the title figure: Vision China Affected by the pessimism accumulated during the Spring Festival, the first day of the year of the A-shares was hit hard. Where does the stock market go from here? Are investors going or staying? Please see our analysis. Overall analysis on the first day of trading A-share plunge on the first day of the Year of the Rat, 3074.. Read More

Weird workplace under epidemic situation: conflict, long vacation, crisis

This article is from the WeChat public account: The Hedgehog Commune (ID: ciweigongshe) , author: Zhou chu, from the title figure: vision China February 4th, did your company resume work? Before the Spring Festival, people did not expect that the epidemic of new crown pneumonia would spread so fast. Wuhan closed the city, the Chinese New Year holiday was extended, and work resumed was postponed in many places, and the.. Read More

Forefront | The fifth edition of the new crown pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan is released, which clearly states that “asymptomatic infection may also become the source of infection”

The fifth edition of the diagnosis and treatment plan was proposed for the first time, “asymptomatic infection may also become a source of infection”, so it is necessary for the people to be isolated at home for one week before returning to work. On the afternoon of February 3, the National Health and Medical Commission issued the “Pneumonitis Diagnosis and Treatment Program for New Coronavirus Infection (Trial Fifth Edition)”. Compared.. Read More

Multinational institutions are scrambling to develop new crown virus vaccines, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson enter the market

This article comes from WeChat public account: interface news (ID: wowjiemian) , author: An Jing “Due to the rapid development of various institutions, it may be too hasty to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.” Following the United States, Russia, France and Germany, British companies have also announced their participation in the development of new coronavirus vaccines. According to the announcement by the non-profit organization Epidemic Prevention Innovation Alliance.. Read More

Education stocks are sought after, Four Seasons Education leads by 28%

51Talk fell nearly 5%. Compared with the plunge of A shares yesterday, the three major US stock indexes closed up. Among them, the Nasdaq rose 1.34%, the S & P 500 rose 0.73%, and the Dow rose 0.51%. In particular, Tesla rose nearly 20% to $ 780, a record high, with a market value of over $ 140 billion. At the moment when the panic spread, the performance of US.. Read More

American Academy of Radiation Oncology calls for urgent use of CT as the diagnostic criteria for new pneumonia

This article is from the public account: CC Weekly (ID: cancer-weekly) , author: Zhang Jiao, MD Anderson cancer Center tenured professor New coronavirus infection continues to worsen and new cases continue to increase . At the same time, cities outside Hubei will usher in the first wave of infection in one to two weeks. Improving the rate of virus detection, early detection, early isolation, and early treatment are key steps.. Read More

Is a Vulcan Mountain sufficient?

WeChat public account: Earth Knowledge Agency (ID: diqiuzhishiju) span> , author: Tim is the one, from the title figure: vision China Today, the highly anticipated Wuhan Caidian Vulcan Mountain Hospital is officially put into operation to treat patients. The birth and construction of this hospital, which was specially constructed for New Coronary Pneumonia, has affected the hearts of the people throughout the country, and has also attracted thousands of “cloud.. Read More

WeChat “video number”, or different from Douyin and Kuaishou

New variables, new species Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Entertainment industry” (ID: yulechanye), author variable. Take the outbreak of the vibrato in the Spring Festival in 2018 as the demarcation point. It has been two years since then. In the past two years, the weight of short videos in information carrying and dissemination has entered an indispensable position in the content market. Take a cup of.. Read More

Morning Post 丨 Samsung’s new generation of folding mobile phone hands-on exposure / door knob detected new crown virus nucleic acid / Marvel launched three new drama preview

The latest epidemic figures on February 4 ▲ Photo from: Sina News As of 7:00 on February 4th, the National Health and Medical Commission has received a total of 19,926 confirmed cases from the country (2,488 new cases from yesterday), 21,558 suspected cases (2014 new cases from yesterday), and cumulative deaths. There were 425 cases (64 new cases from yesterday), and a total of 642 cured cases (167 new cases.. Read More

Under the slump, foreign capital flows into A-shares.

This article is from the WeChat public account: If it is the Institute of Finance (ID: RuShiYanJiu ) , author: wealth refers to the North, from the title figure: vision China Excerpts from Today’s Hotspot Questions and Answers On the first day of the opening of the Gengzi year, the market was severely hit. The market opened 8.73% lower and closed at 3212 stocks. At the industry level, with the.. Read More