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What impact will the new 300 billion new infrastructure have on the cultural industry?

This article is from the WeChat public account: Culture Industry Review (ID: whcypl), OF: double Anfuku, FIG head source: “player number” On March 25, the United States launched an economic stimulus plan in response to the economic shock caused by the new crown virus outbreak. The plan totals $ 2 trillion: $ 250 billion in direct payments to individuals and families, $ 350 billion for small business loans, $ 250.. Read More

Crazy Meltblown Cloth: Price Increases 20-fold During Epidemic

This article comes from WeChat public account: China Business Daily (ID: chinabusinessjournal) , author: Haojia Qi The meltblown non-woven fabric is the key material for the filtering function of the mask, and is called the “heart” of the medical mask. Under normal circumstances, one ton of meltblown cloth can produce 300,000 to 400,000 medical masks. During the epidemic, the price of meltblown cloth soared, from 20,000 yuan to 400,000 yuan.. Read More

What does the plunge in oil prices mean to us?

This article is on WeChat public account ” Star Science Review “ reproduced with permission from the author: Yun Wu ghost town, design: Chen Rui Ting, Chen Jingyi, editor: Xie Yu Han, Zhang Nan. Planet Science Review, a brand of the Planet Institute, science, exploration, curiosity. Head image source: IC photo March 2020 is destined to go down in history. On the one hand, the onslaught of new coronavirus pneumonia.. Read More

What’s wrong with the Chinese fonts used in the game?

This article comes from WeChat public account “3type” ( Email ), the author Wei Li, the original title “From Selda to Motion: Is it wrong to use variety in the game? “, Ai Faner released with permission. Yesterday, I was preparing to land on the island. When the office and the two raccoons checked in, I felt that what they said was a bit wrong. What’s going on? This.. Read More

“Red epidemic” is coming, the global red alert is frequent, and FAANG giants have ushered in “cold spring”?

How big is the impact of FAANG’s falling revenue? At present, the global epidemic situation is still very serious. Under the influence of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the decline in oil prices, risky assets such as stocks and high-yield debts have plummeted, and the liquidity of enterprises has first become tight. Under the influence of these major factors, the global stock market is also turbulent. Among them, the.. Read More

What is the routine of “dual main camera” on mobile phones?

On November 5, 2019, Xiaomi CC9 Pro was released and tied with Huawei Mate30 Pro for the first place on the DxOMark list. This is the first time that Xiaomi has equaled Huawei in taking pictures. Although we often say that DxO is just right, it is unreliable, Tu Yi Le or something. But it is true that Xiaomi CC9 Pro reached a new height at the time on the.. Read More

Tesla’s “reduction door” is not only available in China, but also Canadian users

The article is from the WeChat public account: car stuff (ID: chedongxi) , author: Juice Car stuff on March 27, according to foreign media insideevs reports, a few days ago, a Canadian Tesla Model 3 user Gary Pandher said that he ordered an HW3.0 (HW is the abbreviation of hardware, is the name of Tesla’s self-driving computer, 3.0 is the version number) ‘s Model 3, but he recently found that.. Read More

Li Zhigang: After 2020, new giants will be born in these areas

Ten billion dollars will become the basic threshold for entrepreneurial success. A billion-dollar company will struggle to survive independently and will become a vassal of the giant to serve the giant. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “100 people in the new economy” (ID: qiyejiagc) , author : Li Zhigang. We are optimistic about China’s future. Even if the epidemic casts a heavy haze on the Chinese.. Read More

GitHub suspected of man-in-the-middle attack, the largest dark web host is hacked again!

This article is from the WeChat public account: Program Life (ID: coder_life) , finishing: Wu Xingling GitHub is suspected of being attacked by a man-in-the-middle and cannot be accessed From the afternoon of the 26th, some netizens said that the domestic access to GitHub Pages displayed errors. When visiting the Github homepage this morning, the following error was reported: GitHub is suspected of being a man-in-the-middle attack. Man in the.. Read More

Memorability in user experience design

Reduce user anxiety and let users remember important information Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Yong She” (ID: yongshe01) , author: Yong homes. Yesterday, when downloading a certain wave APP application, I found that the capacity reached 194mb as much as possible, which really surprised me to drop my chin. After I opened it, I saw the functions and pages were so complicated. I just remembered something… Read More