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Tencent’s first self-developed Roguelike game, taking a road off the beaten track

Picking up the flower in the evening, the story is newly compiled, and it can also be unique. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Game Grapes” (ID: youxiputao), author Isaac . Today, Tencent NExT Studios launched a Roguelike game “Unbelievable Crown”, which is also Tencent’s first self-developed Roguelike game. As of press time, this product has reached the third place on the Steam platform hot-selling list.. Read More


Ding Qian is a kindergarten teacher. She has a natural affinity for cute-looking children. When she sees it on the street, she will go up and have a pinch and talk with the children’s parents. This day, Ding Qian came home from get off work and saw a very cute little girl on the road. She was about to walk over and touch the child’s cheek, but the little girl.. Read More

20-year-old Golden Eagle Festival, still very “young”

The history of the Golden Eagle Festival is also the history of Chinese TV. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Hedgehog Commune” (ID: ciweigongshe) by Zhou Zhu , Editor Yang Jing. Released with authorization. The Golden Eagle Festival has ended for another year. In the 30th Golden Eagle Awards and the 13th Golden Eagle Festival Awards Gala, Ren Dahua and Nursery Rhymes won the best actor.. Read More

Death to Intel

This article is from WeChat official account:Semiconductor industry observation (ID: icbank), author: Du Qin DQ, from the head of FIG: pixabay No one wants to be the second in the millennium. In the semiconductor industry, only the boss is nourished. The second is very difficult to survive. But the second child has the advantage of having a goal, always thinking about headwinds. As a second-best AMD in CPU and GPU,.. Read More

Boy drawing cat

A long time ago, there was a poor couple in the village. They are very kind-hearted. They have given birth to many children, and it is very difficult to feed so many children. Their eldest son helped his father with farm work when he was just 14 years old. Not to mention the girls, they almost learned to help their mother with housework since they just learned to walk. However,.. Read More

In 10 months, the cumulative delivery of Ideal ONE exceeded 20,000

The new forces of Chinese car-making began the second half of the competition. Editor’s note: This article is from ” future car Daily “(micro-channel public number ID: auto-time), Author: Ding unique. Source: Ideal Official Author丨Ding Youwei Edit丨Travel around A few days ago, Ideal Automobile officially announced that as of October 18, Ideal Automobile has delivered more than 20,000 Ideal ONEs to users. According to ideal car delivery data, in September.. Read More

Not as expensive as fast food. Why is a 3,000 yuan table of palace dishes so expensive?

This article is from WeChat official account: nine lines (ID: jiuxing_neweekly) , Author: old artists, the original title: “” 3000 yuan a table of Palace dishes, I really ate loneliness””, title picture from: Visual China When you arrive in Beijing, it is worthwhile to find a time-honored brand to taste the taste of old Beijing. It is said that people who have been in Beijing have heard the legends of.. Read More

Go see grandpa

It’s another year of Qingming. Chen Qiang has been working overtime in the factory for a month, and has to rush to work. The workshop director said, so much work, how can it be done without overtime. At noon, Chen Qiang went to the director to ask for leave. He wanted to go back to his hometown. This year is the first year of his grandfather’s death, and he wants.. Read More

Severed finger

Li Lun is a famous wedding host in Hexi. He was presiding over a wedding this day. When Li Lun finished reading the vows, the bride took out the ring and smiled and put it on the groom’s ring finger. The groom suddenly lowered his head and bit it. Blood poured out from her ring finger, and the bride screamed in fright. The groom stretched out his blood-filled fingers and.. Read More