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Twenty thousand words long article: Roblox never wanted to make a game

Roblox is on the market tonight. For such a “what the hell are doing” company, people tend to wait and see more, take less action, and discuss more. There are few conclusions. In this 20,000-character article, we talked about a few key topics: Why does Roblox need a DPO instead of an IPO? Why is there no Roblox in China? How exactly should Roblox be valued? The great ambition of.. Read More

What’s going on with low back pain often

Problem description: I always feel back pain recently, and I feel that my waist is not using any strength. In severe cases, it feels like a broken pain. It is not convenient to walk. I don’t dare to lie down when I sleep at night. Sleep, let alone bend over or carry heavy things. What is the frequent back pain? Date of problem:2020-10-08 Patient information:Age: 28 Gender: FemaleFrequent low back.. Read More

Is liver cancer gastrointestinal bleeding serious?

Problem description: In the past few days, my grandfather often has a fever, and he went to the hospital to check for liver cancer. At the same time, it will be accompanied by gastrointestinal bleeding. Is liver cancer gastrointestinal bleeding serious? Date of problem:2020-10-07 Patient information:Age: 60 Gender: FemaleHepatic cancer gastrointestinal bleeding may be more serious . Hepatocarcinoma gastrointestinal bleeding is a serious complication, and if it is not treated.. Read More

5G Daily 0310 | China Mobile’s total sales of 5G mobile phones in 2020 exceeded 200 million, and China Telecom established the first 5G + smart port information point for Ningde City

Using advanced 3D beamforming technology can increase network capacity and effectively expand network coverage. →C114 Communication Network “Samsung and Spark Launch 5G Network in New Zealand” China Mobile’s total sales of 5G mobile phones in 2020 will exceed 200 million It is reported that Jian Qin, deputy general manager of China Mobile, said at the meeting that looking back on 2020, China’s communications industry chain is facing unprecedented challenges, but.. Read More

Digital Innovation Guide for Large Companies 03010 | HUAWEI CLOUD provides technical services for the innovation of the VR industry in Shanghai, and Testin Cloud provides enterprises with intelligent digital transformation

Large company Digital Innovation News Author: Zhang Ying Ze ( Editor: Shi Yaqiong ( ** The To B industry group recently launched a new section “Guide to Digital Innovation for Large Companies”. We will summarize the main news of the digital innovation business of major companies in various industries every day. On March 10th, please check the digital innovation guide for large companies China Telecom equips Changlong Airlines with VR.. Read More

Sequelae of upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Problem description: My grandpa has symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding, which often recurs. What are the sequelae of upper gastrointestinal bleeding? Date of problem:2020-10-07 Patient information:Age: 60 Sex: MaleThe sequelae of upper gastrointestinal bleeding is blood loss Sexual shock, asphyxia and secondary peritonitis. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding can cause shock and even death in patients between acute attacks. If the amount of bleeding is particularly large, the blood will be ejected, which.. Read More

The era of the true Internet is approaching, how far is the “intelligent network in the future”?

This article is from WeChat official account:Tengyun (ID: tenyun700)< span class = "text-remarks">, author: Liu Wei ( intelligent human-machine integration experts, professors Beijing University of posts), drawing from the head : Visual China “In the future intelligent network, the game situation is highly complex and rapidly changing. Various kinds of information converge to form massive amounts of data, which cannot be processed quickly and accurately by the human brain alone.”.. Read More

Causes of fever in upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Problem description: When my grandfather went to the hospital for an examination a few days ago, he found that he was suffering from upper gastrointestinal bleeding. He developed fever in the past two days. What is the cause of fever in upper gastrointestinal bleeding? Question date:2020-10-07 Patient information: Age: 60 Sex: MalePatients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding may have fever It is caused by local infection. After massive bleeding in the.. Read More

Is a stomach ulcer a stomach ulcer?

Problem description: My grandma has experienced stomach acid reflux and pain these days. I went for a gastroscopy and found that it was gastric erosion. Is gastric erosion a gastric ulcer? Question date:2020-10-07 Patient information:Age: 60 Gender: Female Stomach erosion is not a gastric ulcer. Stomach erosion refers to the erosion of the gastric mucosa, which is confined to the mucosa and submucosa. Gastric ulcer refers to the inflammatory ulcer.. Read More

Market News | After plunging for many days to welcome the stock price rebound, Haidilao has also started artificial meat?

From the perspective of business innovation, Haidilao may be laying out the plant protein market. Recently, the topic of “Haidilao beef cubes becoming vegetarian” has rushed into the hot search list on Weibo. The reason is that some Haidilao stores have replaced the beef cubes on the small material self-service counter with the new vegetable protein product “Wei Mate”, and the original free spiced beef minced beef appeared on the.. Read More