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The 18-year-old son has recently felt frequent urination, and the urine will not be painful. Take the hospital for examination and no inflammation

Problem description: The 18-year-old son recently felt frequent urination, and the urination would not be painful. There was no inflammation. How to deal with it? Question date:2020-12-29 Patient information:Age: 18 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your description of frequent urination, the abnormality of the urgency test may be caused by mental reasons. Guidance suggestion: In this case, it is recommended that you stay in a good spirit,.. Read More

Right body deformity

Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): When I was a child, I started to find that my right side body was abnormal, the fingers of my right hand were broken outside and could not be straightened, and the right ankle was broken inside. , The right body is thinner than the left, and the muscles are significantly smaller. I am now 34 years old… Read More

I sometimes feel bad in my calf late night

Problem description: Hello, doctor. I have had varicose veins on my left leg for more than 20 years. This year I feel heavier than before. I have a swollen ankle after working a day. The worms in my calf are aggravated but not painful. I sleep at the ankle It’s normal, there are no other symptoms, I want to treat it in advance. Question date:2020-12-29 Patient information:Age: 49 years old.. Read More

Because of the high pressure of work, the tiredness of work makes menstruation especially painful

Problem description: Due to work pressure, work tiredness makes menstruation particularly painfulProblem date: 2020-12-29 Patients Information: Age: 21 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: If the work is too tired and stressful, it may affect menstruation. Guide and suggestion: You need to relax, the diet is not very demanding, you can go to the hospital for conditioning. Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the.. Read More

I did a pregnancy test, but I don’t understand a few items. Please check the list.

Problem description: I did a pregnancy test, and I don’t understand a few items, please check the list.Question date:2020-12-29 Patient information:Age: 26 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: The first report is a follicle test. It seems to be OK. There may be a fibroids in the uterus. , There shouldn’t be a big problem. The second report has proteinuria. Generally speaking, it is physiological. It is recommended to take an.. Read More

I measured the intraocular pressure a few days ago when testing the eyes, and then 21-22 was a bit high

Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): When checking the eyes, I measured the intraocular pressure a few days before, then 21-22 was a bit high, and then 22- the next day 22. On the third day 21-24, today I went to test 21-22 and the middle two times were 18-19. Then I was worried about glaucoma and I checked one field of view, there.. Read More

The 15-year-old pregnancy test stick is one deep and one shallow. The contraceptive pill I took at four today has menstrual 3

Problem description: The 15-year-old pregnancy test stick is one deep and one shallow. The contraceptive pill I took at 4 o’clock today. It has been 3 months since menstruation. The contraceptive pill is Danmei. I still need to take it after 12 hours. ? Question date:2020-12-29 Patient information:Age: 15 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, if there are two lines, it means that there.. Read More

Is this an ejaculation disorder?

Problem description: It can be ejaculated in a plane, but it cannot be ejaculated for an hour when having sex with a girlfriend. Is this an ejaculation disorder? Or what reason? Question date:2020-12-29 Patient information:Age: Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: b>High-frequency masturbation and high-intensity stimulation lead to the stimulation of normal sexual life, which cannot reach your ejaculation threshold, so that you cannot ejaculate normally.Guidelines: Suggest the frequency of masturbation Extend it.. Read More

Medication for myopia laser surgery

Problem description: Disease description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): Myopia is myopia, and I don’t want to wear glasses now. Ask about the price of laser surgery, precautions, and risks. And what kind of eye drops should I use for computers?Question date: 2020-12-29 Patient information: Age: 28 years old : MaleProblem analysis: Refractive errors include myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and should be treated with mydriasis, refraction, and glasses… Read More

The lacrimal sac is blocked, the lower eyelid is turned out, and the eye has been injured before,

Problem description: I have suffered an eye injury before, but now my tear sac is blocked and my lower eyelid is turned out. What should I do? Can I have surgery? Question date:2020-12-29 Patient information:Age: 68 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, tear duct rupture and face after eye trauma. Eversion. Guide and suggestion: In this case, it is recommended that you go to.. Read More