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Check if a few nuclear heterogeneous cells are cancer

Problem description: I have a lot of vaginal secretions. I was found out when I went to the hospital for a physical examination recently. There are a few nuclear heterogeneous cells. Is the nuclear heterogeneous cell cancer? Question date:2020-11-19 Patient information:Age: 41 Gender: FemaleCheck for a few nuclear heterogeneous cells Not necessarily cancer. Nuclear heterogeneous cells indicate abnormal changes in the nucleus, which have a lot to do with long-term.. Read More

What kind of medicine should you take if you have a fever during breastfeeding

Problem description: I chose breastfeeding. I had a fever while breastfeeding my baby. I want to take medicine for treatment. What kind of medicine should I take for fever during breastfeeding? Question date:2020-11-19 Patient information:Age: 27 Gender: FemaleFever during breastfeeding can eat anti-inflammatory and Fever-reducing medication. Fever during breastfeeding may be caused by inflammation, infection or cold and cold. Symptoms such as dizziness, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, etc., need to.. Read More

Wave goodbye to the Hollywood blockbuster with “Quick Motion 9”

So, let Van Diesel thank China again, after all, no one knows if there will be such an opportunity next time. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “NorthPark” (ID: northpark2018), author: Wang Xiaoben. “The people who came out of the slum actually flew into space.” This is the line that impressed me the most after watching the zero-point premiere of “Fast and Furious 9”. I am.. Read More

“Kill” the Chinese child prodigy

This article is from WeChat official account:Modern Middle Class (ID: modernstory)< span class="text-remarks">, author: Modern Middle Class, original title: “”Killing” the Chinese Prodigy”, title picture from: Visual China one In the winter of 1977, a newspaper in New York received news that China was selecting children on a large scale for unknown reasons. At that time, the mist was still covering the ocean. After various ridiculous speculations, the reporter interviewed.. Read More

Can I breastfeed if my mother is a big Sanyang?

Problem description: When I went to the hospital for a physical examination after pregnancy, I was found to have a third yang. I want to choose breastfeeding after giving birth. Can my mother breastfeed if it is a third yang? Question date:2020-11-19 Patient information:Age: 29 Gender: FemaleMother is a big three yang, try not to Choose breastfeeding. Hepatitis B three positives means that the virus replication in the body is.. Read More

Can breastfeeding women use topical hemorrhoid medicine?

Problem description: I experienced pain in the anal area during breast-feeding, and blood in my stool. I want to use Anal Thai for treatment. Can breastfeeding women use Anal Thai? Question date:2020-11-19 Patient information:Age: 30 Gender: FemaleExternal hemorrhoid medicine can be used by breastfeeding women . The effect of topical treatment of hemorrhoids is very good. If severe hemorrhoids occur during lactation, they can be treated with topical medication, because.. Read More

How does it feel to be in the basin?

Problem description: I often experience physical weakness and swelling of the lower limbs in the late pregnancy. When I went to the hospital for an examination today, the doctor said that the fetus had entered the basin. What was it like to enter the basin? Date of problem:2020-11-19 Patient information:Age: 28 Gender: FemaleAbdominal space will appear after entering the basin Increase and relieve abdominal distension. Pelvic entry means that the.. Read More

Unlock Changsha Internet celebrity password

It’s not so much a hit overnight, it’s better to say that there are early signs. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “xinmouls” (ID: xinmouls), author: Ya Ting, editor: Qimu. Among the ten most popular cities for travel on May 1st this year, Changsha ranked tenth, which has basically achieved its reputation as an Internet celebrity city. From the big data of the May Day trip,.. Read More

Xiabuxiabu abandoned young people

This article is from WeChat official account:AI Finance (ID: aicjnews) , Authors: Shao Lanjie, Ma Weibing, head picture from: Vision China The Xiabuxiabu hot pot once loved by young people is now at the most difficult time. Within one month, its brand Coucou CEO Zhang Zhenwei and Xiabuxiabu CEO Zhao Yi left one after another. Gave a plunge of 20% and 15% in response. For Xiabuxiabu, which has a total.. Read More

What trace elements are lacking in dysmenorrhea

Problem description: Recently, when I am menstruating, I often feel a kind of cramp in my abdomen, which is suspected to be caused by my own nutritional deficiency. What trace elements are lacking in dysmenorrhea? Date of problem: 2020-11-19 Patient information: Age: 24 Gender: FemaleDysmenorrhea may be due to lack of iron . Dysmenorrhea refers to the feeling of abdominal distension before and after or during menstruation, accompanied by backache,.. Read More