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Volkswagen completed its first MEB plant in China, the first ID.

The new plant will be officially put into operation in October 2020. Editor’s note: This article is from “Future Car Daily” (WeChat public ID: auto-time), author: Zhang. Author | Zhang Yi Editor | Li Huanhuan The Volkswagen Group’s electrification strategy in the Chinese market officially opened. On November 8, SAIC Volkswagen completed the construction of its first new energy vehicle plant in Shanghai, China. The plant has an annual production.. Read More

The front line | Huawei wants to start cloud games, Netease and Tencent will be anxious?

At present, the bandwidth does not allow players to have a better experience. In such a transition period, vendors have to quickly find the way that suits them best. On November 7, the company signed a cooperation framework agreement with Huawei, and will jointly launch cloud game cooperation. In the future, cloud game solutions and cloud game products will be released, including ARM Android cloud games and PC cloud games… Read More

The Hanfu you wear is beautiful, but in all likelihood, it is a cottage.

The cottage Chinese clothes on the online shopping platform are all over the place, and the new ones that want to enter the circle are bright and bright. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Guyu Data-Tencent News” ( ID: guyudata), authors, Jiang Liu, Yang Ruixian, Lin Yurong, Hu Gengshuo, design Zhu Xi, Weng Zhuo, Huang Rou double. It’s another year to watch the season of red.. Read More

86% of American young people want to do net red

Li Jiaqi said: “I am not a star, just a net red.” But abroad, the boundaries between celebrity and influencer have become less clear. Morning Consult, a media technology company, recently interviewed 2,000 Americans aged 13-38 to try to understand them Views on Net Red. When asked who is their favorite net red, most of them are like The Rock (Dwayne Johnson), Will Smith, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift. We are.. Read More

The front line | Xiaomi camera finally tied with Huawei, Lei Jun awards Xiaomi camera department: already on the top of the world

iPhone 11 Pro Max lost to Huawei Xiaomi. The millet camera division’s year-end award this year is stable. “To get the year-end award, you have to do it on the camera.” This is the only goal of the millet camera division last year. I remember that last year’s press conference, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi MIX30 officially surpassed Huawei P20. As a result, Huawei’s release of mate20 soon overtook Xiaomi.. Read More

iQiyi Q3 members increased by 31% year-on-year: high-quality original content pulled new, overseas layout explored growth point

iQiyi’s “stable progress”. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Mirror Entertainment” (ID: jingxiangyule), author Liang Jialie, editor Zhang Fengqi. Authorized to publish. At a time when the Internet dividend is gradually fading, it is not easy for video site members to increase their growth rate after breaking through 100 million. On November 7, IQI’s Q3 earnings report showed that at the end of the third quarter, the.. Read More

The market releases growth potential, Ford will launch domestic pickups

Ford’s domestic pickup trucks will be available for the Chinese market. Editor’s note: This article is from “Future Car Daily” (WeChat public ID: auto-time), author: NIU Xiao Tong. Author | Niu Xiaotong Editor | Li Huanhuan Ford Motors will overweight the Chinese pickup market. According to Reuters, Ford recently said that it will consider producing Ford brand pickups in China in the future, and it is possible to launch customized.. Read More

Why are they so resolutely resisting “You of the Teenagers”?

The future market of Haoyue’s works is worrying. Has the “plagiarism” anti-phagy began? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public number “Spicy Entertainment Investment” (ID: malayutou001), author wendy. Noisy for a long time, “You are so beautiful, so beautiful” The original author, Yue Yuexi, finally responded to the “plagiarism” and “melting” incident on Weibo, clearly indicating that he has never copied, nor has it melted, and The process of.. Read More

What is the use of Xiaomi’s 100 million pixels?

On November 5th, Xiaomi released Xiaomi CC9 at the new product launch conference, which is also the second mobile phone of Xiaomi with 100 million pixel sensor. Speaking of 100 million pixels, the first thing that people think of is the medium format camera that is active in major studios and photo studios. These shovel can only be quietly supported on a tripod, which is difficult for ordinary people to.. Read More