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The 10th Anniversary of the League of Legends: Stepping through the Blood Canyon, returning is still a teenager

It has been said that when he has encountered unsatisfactory things over the years, he will look at the game again. This move will always help him to continue in his life. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Hedgehog Commune” (ID: ciweigongshe), author Chen Bin , edit Tim. Authorized to publish. At 9:56 in the morning, the 10th Anniversary Celebration of League of Legends opened for 6.. Read More

The rise of BarberShop culture, “Manup” wants products and stores to grab both hands

“Combating hair into an adult look” “Three years ago, there were only over 100 BarberShops in China, and there are now more than 1,800. And not only in the first-tier cities, but also in many second- and third-tier cities. The shop with a price of 2-300 is often full,” said Zhang Wen, founder of the men’s haircut brand Manup. Unlike the hairdressers of our main service ladies, BarberShop mainly provides.. Read More

Building a smart building for the property, “Brickhead Intelligence” has reached a cooperation with Greenland, Hongkun, etc. | New Technology Venture 2019

For each additional property customer, there will be an increase of 20 buildings, and a building will generate about 500,000 yuan a year, with a profit margin of over 40%. Interviewed company: Beijing Brick Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Respondents: Zheng Wei (founder general manager), Chen Tiankai (co-founder) Q0, what are the current main positioning, main business and main products of the company? Main positioning: Serving office scenarios. Main business: Create.. Read More

Replay does not leave anxiety: sports practitioners who are enthralled in the NBA

The NBA Golden Age is no longer. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Zinc Finance” (ID:xincaijing) , author Liu Jinyuan Zhong Wei. On October 14, Tencent video resumed the live broadcast of the NBA game in the controversy. But the Rockets game did not appear on the schedule. In the early morning of October 15, Tencent Sports’s commentator Bohai stood in the first class. He started at.. Read More

In-depth information | Box horses want to sell muscles on the hot pot, this seems to be a good move

On October 17, Hou Yi, the president of Box Horse, revealed on the micro-headline that the box horse hot pot has been launched nationwide, providing food and beverage delivery services. 文 | Daily Business Collection The box horse is going to sell the muscles in the hot pot, which seems to be a good step. On October 17, Hou Yi, the president of Box Horse, revealed on the micro-header that.. Read More

Regulatory shot, “net red with goods” to cool?

Can the net red goods be so “crazy”? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Netease H5” (ID: wangyih5), the author of the banana fifteen, editor 玖柒. Authorized to publish. Today, many people are talking about the “bee colony media traffic fraud” incident. An advertiser spends 48,000 looking for MCN to launch, and the bee colony has arranged a big V for 3.6 million powder. A microblog has.. Read More

Marketing observation | After finishing the “Wolf Disco” this cup of wine, how long can the explosion of Shenqu

After all, the old man is also an understanding of people, things that are not good at, they must be outsourced. Even if you can’t get the handsome star of Chen Weizhen, you may have re-recognized him because of a “Dark Disco”. Most of the time, the name that appeared only in various romance idol dramas suddenly appeared in the short video of the earthy demon songs, with the BGM.. Read More

8:1氪 | Jia Yueting’s bankruptcy plan will be voted on November 8 at the latest; Samsung Galaxy S10 has a fingerprint identification vulnerability; Airbnb lost $300 million in the first quarter

Prior to 5 pm on November 8, Jia Yueting’s personal bankruptcy reorganization plan needs to be approved by 90% of the relevant creditors and finally approved by the court before it can take effect. Big company Foreign media: Jia Yueting’s bankruptcy plan will be voted on November 8th at the latest According to foreign media reports, in order to realize Jia Yueting’s personal bankruptcy reorganization plan, Jia Yueting and his.. Read More

Net red is said to brush data, can not say a “black eat black” even if

It is impossible to blur the focus of the entire incident because of problems with the Weibo station and advertisers. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Airport” (ID: lifeissohappy), the author of the book. Today, Weibo’s largest MCN bee colony media was accused of fraud. The three participants in the entire event—advertisers, bee colonies, and Weibo stations—have something to be squandered. However, simply summarizing things as “someone.. Read More

Heroes for ten years, the league “elegant”

Give you a “fist”, can you incite the “universe”? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Competition” (ID: Coreesports) author: KC Jinx want to see the movie. In the League of Legends, copy the Marvel universe. The hottest topic in the game circle these days is undoubtedly the 10th anniversary of the League of Legends. The related topics are airborne on the topic list. #LOL手游Open appointment #微博热搜四; “How.. Read More