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Can you eat oranges if you have an upset stomach?

There are so many kinds of fruits in life that can be said to be innumerable. Among these fruits, oranges are very popular and are the favorite fruits of many people. But any kind of fruit has its taboo crowd, and oranges are no exception. There are also some people who are not suitable for consumption. Can you eat oranges if your stomach is uncomfortable? Oranges have a sweet and.. Read More

Can the seeds in guava be eaten?

< / p> Although everyone likes to eat fruits, there are some fruits that many people may not have eaten before, so when they eat, they do n’t know how to eat them. For example, when guava is eaten, many people do not know which ones are inedible. So, can the seeds in guava be eaten? First of all, when eating guava, the seeds in it are generally edible, and.. Read More

Can you eat oranges after eating green mouth?

< / p> There are usually many foods that are not suitable for eating at the same time. If they are eaten together, they may affect each other and even produce some toxins, which is not good for the body. Therefore, you must pay attention when you eat food everyday to avoid eating gram food. So, can you eat oranges after eating green mouth? First of all, after eating green.. Read More

How to change water in hot water bottle

In the relatively dry and cold winter in the south, there is no heating indoors. Therefore, many families will choose to use electric heaters or hot water bottles for heating. The hot water bottle can be used repeatedly after being charged and heated. In the process of using the hot water bottle, you sometimes want to change the hot water bottle. So, how to change the hot water bottle? To.. Read More

Can I eat watermelon on fire?

Although everyone usually likes to eat watermelon at ordinary times, and few people generally have bad reactions such as allergic reactions to watermelon. Therefore, everyone may like to eat some watermelons in peacetime, especially in the hot weather, but people are easy to get angry in summer, so can you eat watermelon on fire? First of all, if there is a fire, then you can eat watermelon, because watermelon will.. Read More

Why sometimes have double eyelids

Everyone knows that the characteristics of single and double eyelids have been determined at the time of birth. This is because the two traits of double eyelid and single eyelid are determined by genes. . Double eyelid is a dominant gene, while single eyelid is a recessive gene. Some people have doubts about the single eyelid, why do they sometimes have double eyelid? In fact, this situation is not uncommon… Read More

How to judge whether it is zinc deficiency

If the human body lacks trace elements, various diseases will occur. It is possible to prevent the lack of trace elements by supplementing trace elements through diet, so the body cannot lack trace elements, so how to judge whether it is zinc deficiency? First, if the patient lacks zinc, the hair will be yellow and soft, like fluff. Patients also suffer from a lack of eating and poor appetite, and.. Read More

Can nausea eat pineapple

Fruit contains more nutrients, which will benefit the human body after being eaten, and also provide the human body with the necessary vitamins. If the sick person eats fruit, it is also good for the body, but some fruits are not suitable for patients with certain diseases. So, can nausea eat pineapple? Pineapple contains a lot of nutrients, such as vitamins, organic acids and other nutrients. It has the functions.. Read More