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Daily News | OneBank, a SoftBank-invested satellite company, declares bankruptcy; ICICI Bank launches electronic banking service on WhatsApp

Vai.Car, a Brazilian car rental startup, has raised $ 85 million; Siam Commercial Bank of Thailand (SCB) has established a partnership with RippleNet, a subsidiary of Ripple. India Blackstone Group spent $ 240 million to acquire the technology park of Indian coffee chain Coffee Day . According to DealStreetAsia, the US PE giant Blackstone Group Ltd acquired the Global Village Technology Park, a subsidiary of the Coffee Day Group, on.. Read More

Talking about new retail: the top ten effects of the epidemic on new retail

How will the unprecedented Black Swan incident change the fate of new retail? Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Product encountered operation” (ID: alden_xu) , author : Xu Xiaopeng. The new crown epidemic that has swept the world has suddenly affected the way of life and work for all humankind. As a black swan event that shakes the world, its impact on the entire world’s economy,.. Read More

Alipay and WeChat are too difficult

Users can always play in themselves Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Immortal JUMP” (ID: xrtiaotiao) , the author is a half Buddha immortal. The cause of this is this. I posted a video on station B last Friday about identity information for resale of black goods. Then I received a lot of private messages from my friends saying that their identity information was worried that they.. Read More

How to make yourself say goodbye?

This article is from the WeChat public account: Mr. L said (ID: lxianshengmiao) , original title “the underlying principles of good time management, all in here” author: Lachel, title figure from: the movie Doctor Strange In this era, “busy” seems to have become a national keyword. I often receive many requests for help from readers: I always feel a mess in my life and want to change, but where do.. Read More

This year’s young people don’t fall in love, only talk about price

This year 520, young people don’t even want to talk about love. Planning: Kr Lab Visual: Yeti On the eve of the sour smell of love, we choose to pay attention to such a small group of people. Since they first saw the world, they have always been insulated from the word love, and they have maintained the solo “noble” attitude of the solo for decades. The world admires their.. Read More

Four Strategic Turns That Affect Ali’s History

What do the four keywords of infrastructure, openness, data, and ecosystem mean to Ali? Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Chaos Book” (ID: luanbooks) . Author | Rao Tianlin Producer | Pan Luan In 2005, Alibaba raised $ 1 billion from Yahoo to acquire Yahoo China for a 40% stake. How does the costly Yahoo deal affect Ali? In 2010, Ali changed his mission to “Promote.. Read More

Talk about the so-called live subscription fee

This article is from the WeChat public account: caoz’s nightmare (ID: caozsay) , author: caozsay, from the title FIG IC photo Thank you Teacher Luo for letting us have such hot spots in the media. Many people think that Mr. Luo is good recently. No matter what, he didn’t do anything. The 60 million signing fee is in hand. Wait, who said that, you said it all on the Internet?.. Read More

Fast cash back, what are the low-cost “flash purchase” tools for the giant ecosystem?

The first step of “blood back”: take the “shortcut” with the help of “giant” Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account ” Xiao procedures observed “(ID: yinghoo-tech) , author: Miss bean professor. “Business Self-Rescue Manual in Crisis (Stop” Black Swan “)” is a special plan launched by yinghoo-tech, which aims to help traditional companies “move” their business focus to online and quickly start ” Self-help “. This plan.. Read More

Before you understand the live broadcast, please ask Party A to spare the anchors.

Do you want to live stream with the flow? How do offline brands go online? Editor’s Note: “Technology Marketing Theory” , the authors, from the micro-channel public number : Marketing of Science and Technology. I’m tired recently. There is not much business, but the number of questions and answers for marketing has increased sharply. The epidemic has almost all brands around the world come to live broadcast online, but most.. Read More