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If the Berlin Wall did not fall, the East German Merkel would like to do the most?

This article is from WeChat public account:Interface News (ID:wowjiemian), author: An Jing, title figure: vision China November 9, 2019 is the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany. German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently said in an interview with the media that if the Berlin Wall is still there, she has retired five years ago and started her dream of a trip to the United States. In.. Read More

How can I be distracted when I need to work efficiently?

Rational use of technology products to improve the quality of life. The Translation Bureau is a compilation team that focuses on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on foreign new technologies, new ideas, and new trends. Editor’s note: When you are at work, open the phone after a while and start to brush up on Weibo and visit Taobao? There is growing evidence that the frequent use of.. Read More

Chinese brave African

This article is from WeChat public account:Extraordinary fritters (ID:ffyoutiao), author: fermented bean curd children, thematic map: vision China Industrious Chinese: “Working for life without day and night” “Chinese people like ants, robots, work tirelessly. They are said to be prisoners of death, they can be exempted from labor by redemption, and they work day and night for survival. They have no family, no holidays. There is no good clothes. I.. Read More

Now the domestic film, not to mention the southwest dialect are embarrassed to go out

There is a loss of powerful self-healing power. Just like the Wenchuan earthquake, the Sichuanese mahjong is still playing. This mentality provides valuable minerals for comedy creation. In terms of language, the characteristics of the southwestern Mandarin are: both fierce and arrogant, both fierce and funny, with a fast speech rate, strong explosive power, and high recognition. At the same time, the language consistency within the southwestern Mandarin system is.. Read More

Microsoft CEO Satya: Our goal is to make all companies a software technology company

In this conference, Microsoft released a number of new technologies, products, services and solutions ranging from Azure to classic office services. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “CSDN” (ID:CSDNnews) By Aholiab Liu Jing. On November 4th, the annual Microsoft IT conference Ignite was held in Orlando, USA. 26,000 IT practitioners, developers and data experts from around the world attended the conference. In this conference, Microsoft released a.. Read More

Netflix dug up the HBO team, why is the first Chinese drama that was heavily photographed?

NetFlight’s defeat in the first battle of the Chinese-speaking region Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “New drama Observation” (ID: xinjuguancha) by Suda In 2017, HBO launched the first Chinese-language self-made drama “Psychic Girl” in Taiwan, which was well received. In the same year, Netflix followed up with a series of Chinese-made self-produced dramas. This year, the first “Sin Dreamer” that is expected is finally on the.. Read More


This kind of magic is not only in the writing of the British writer George Orwell. In the 1984, George Orwell built an absurd and ridiculous world, people suppressed, empty, collective unconscious, all People are indifferent to the outside world, and the value of the individual is infinitely denied. This is a world without vitality and hopelessness. However, in reality, in 1984, it was much more exciting and more vital:.. Read More

A forgotten history: Japan and the United States compete for the dominance of the CPU operating system

Japan has almost succeeded Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “the world of magic iron” (ID: jiangpeiyu0916), author Zheng Zhuoran. This article was first published in Tencent. Key focus: 1. If the idea of ​​Sakamura is successful, the entire IT cake of Bluestar will become a Chinese meal for Japanese companies. 2, Japanese companies are also very wronged, feel that they have been bridged by Intel… Read More

After 12 years, the traffic fans are like Yang Lijuan.

This article is from “Drug (WeChat public ID: youhaoxifilm)“, for < /span>From: He Runzhen, the title map is from Visual China Yang Lijuan searched on the hot. If you pay some attention to the Chinese world’s sensation, then you should be familiar with this name: 12 years ago, this Andy Lau fan not only dropped out of school to chase stars, but also dragged his parents off the water –.. Read More

Look at the American TV series “Silicon Valley”, deeply analyzing the pits of entrepreneurship and financing

From “incubator” to “B round” Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “People God is working together (ID: tongyipaocha), the author is full of people. Why is the valuation too high but it hurts you? There is a plot in the American TV series “Silicon Valley”. Richard, the CEO of the entrepreneurial team “Magic Flute”, invented one of the most powerful compression algorithms, and became the “darling” of.. Read More