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What fruits can be eaten after hair transplant

Problem description: I want to add vitamins after the hair transplant. I want to eat some fruits. I heard from others that vitamin supplements can promote hair growth. What fruits can I eat after hair transplants? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information: Age: 45 Gender: MaleHello, regarding the area of ​​hair loss and For friends who are not too big, only one hair transplant is needed to achieve the ideal hair transplantation.. Read More

Can survive a few days after the hair transplant

Problem description: My scalp was tight when I was sleeping. I only had a hair transplant in the afternoon. I was afraid that it would affect my growth. How many days after the hair transplant, can I survive? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information: Age: 49 Gender: MaleCan survive two days after hair transplant . Hair follicles can survive 48 hours after the operation, and within 4 days after the operation, the.. Read More

How long does it take to get a hair transplant?

Problem description: The doctor said that I should take care of my hair after the hair transplant operation. I am afraid that it may cause infection. I should pay attention to local hygiene. How long does it take to leave the house after hair transplant? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information: Age: 49 Gender: Male You can go out on the day of the hair transplant. When you go out, you need.. Read More

Do I need to apply medicine after hair transplant?

Problem description: I had a hair transplant in the hospital, and I want to apply some anti-inflammatory drugs while I am recovering. Do I need to apply medicine after the hair transplant? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information: Age: 22 Gender: FemaleIt may be necessary to apply medicine after hair transplant . The specific situation needs to be judged based on the actual situation of the patient and the recovery status. After.. Read More

Can gallstones eat pumpkin?

Problem description: Yesterday I found out that I had gallstones during the examination. I woke up this morning and wanted to drink pumpkin porridge. Can I eat pumpkin for gallstones? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 36 Gender: MaleGallstones can generally eat pumpkin of. The fat content in pumpkin is relatively low. Patients with gallstones will not have any adverse effects on the body after drinking, and will not aggravate the symptoms.. Read More

How long does the gallstones painlessly hurt?

Problem description: I had a minimally invasive surgery for gallstones in a local regular hospital, and there was pain this morning. How long will the minimally invasive gallstones be painless? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information: Age: 38 Gender: MaleMinimally invasive gallstones require about two It won’t hurt until about a week. Most of the pain will be experienced after minimally invasive gallstone surgery, but it will get better over time. During.. Read More

Early symptoms of gallstones

Problem description: When I went to the hospital for a physical examination with my friend, it was found that there were stones in the gallbladder. What are the initial symptoms of gallstones? Date of problem:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 36 Gender: MaleThe initial symptoms of gallstones include the abdomen Pain and decreased appetite. As the disease progresses, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, and physical weakness will appear. Gallstones are a relatively.. Read More

What’s the matter with gallstone pain after caesarean section

Problem description: I have just had a caesarean section, and today I feel particularly painful in the liver and gallbladder area. What is going on with gallstone pain after the caesarean section? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 29 Gender: FemaleGallstone pain after caesarean section may be Caused by the knife edge. Should be during the operation, the skin fascia, peritoneum and skin were cut during the operation, and then sutured, so.. Read More

What are the effects of gallstone surgery

Problem description: I have severe pain in my abdomen. The doctor asked me to have gallstone surgery. What is the impact of gallstone surgery? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 40 Gender: FemaleGallstone surgery will cause patients Indigestion and diarrhea appear. Surgery will remove part of the patient’s gallbladder, which will reduce the patient’s absorption rate of greasy and spicy food, and cause abdominal pain and indigestion. Patients also need to monitor.. Read More

How long can gallstone surgery go to work?

Problem description: I had gallstone surgery in the hospital two days ago. I am now in the recovery period. I want to go to work tomorrow. How long can I go to work for gallstone surgery? Question date:2020-10-25 Patient information:Age: 41 Gender: FemaleGallstone surgery takes about 7 days You can go to work around. The specific time cannot be completely determined. It needs to be judged according to the actual.. Read More