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Does insomnia cause diarrhea?

Problem description: In the past week, I have often experienced symptoms of insomnia and dreaminess, accompanied by diarrhea. Will insomnia cause diarrhea? Date of problem: 2020-11-01 Patient information: Age: 31 Gender: Female Insomnia generally does not cause diarrhea. Insomnia can cause headaches, dizziness, memory loss and inattention, which seriously affects life and work. Diarrhea is generally caused by irregular eating or irritable bowel syndrome, and it is not ruled out.. Read More

Will moxibustion cause night sweats and insomnia?

Problem description: In the past half month, I often experience inexplicable sweating. I had moxibustion a few days ago. It may be caused by moxibustion. Will moxibustion cause night sweats and insomnia? Question date:2020-11-01 Patient information:Age: 37 Sex: Male Moxibustion can cause night sweats and insomnia. Moxibustion can have a warming effect. It is a combination of medicine and physics. It can stimulate acupoints through wormwood, which can treat local.. Read More

Does irregular menstruation cause insomnia?

Problem description: During the past six months, I have often experienced irregular menstruation and insomnia and dreaminess. I can’t sleep well all night. Will irregular menstruation cause insomnia? Question date: 2020-11-01 Patient information: Age: 35 Gender: FemaleIrregular menstruation is not in most cases Can cause insomnia. Insomnia may be caused by normal mental stress or neurasthenia. Patients will have difficulty falling asleep and decreased sleep quality, as well as memory.. Read More

Is insomnia related to pregnancy?

Problem description: Recently, I have had headaches, dizziness, and insomnia. Now I am pregnant. It may be caused by pregnancy. Does insomnia have anything to do with pregnancy? Question date: 2020-11-01 Patient information: Age: 27 Gender: Female Insomnia is related to pregnancy. The weight is relatively awkward during pregnancy, and it is also worried that it will affect the normal development and growth of the fetus. It will be accompanied.. Read More

What is the harm of severe insomnia

Problem description: My insomnia is relatively serious, resulting in a sharp drop in work efficiency. I want to treat it with medication. What is the harm of severe insomnia? Date of problem: 2020-11-01 Patient information: Age: 32 Gender: MaleWhen insomnia is severe, the patient may suffer Headache, dizziness, weakness of limbs, heart palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath, etc. may also occur. For patients with severe insomnia, the common hazards.. Read More

Can I drink milk for insomnia?

Problem description: I have symptoms of insomnia and dreaminess these days. It is difficult to fall asleep. Drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed every night. Can I drink milk for insomnia? Question date: 2020-11-01 Patient information: Age: 35 Gender: Male Insomnia, you can usually drink milk. The protein contained in milk is relatively rich, and it can also replenish water and provide nutrients to improve sleep.. Read More

Does a bad stomach cause insomnia?

Problem description: These days, I often experience abdominal swelling and pain, as well as symptoms such as insomnia and dreaminess. Will a bad stomach cause insomnia? Date of problem: 2020-11-01 Patient information: Age: 32 Gender: FemaleInsomnia usually causes insomnia due to poor stomach . When patients have a bad stomach, they often experience abdominal pain and swelling, accompanied by acid reflux and burning sensation. When these symptoms occur at night,.. Read More

Is insomnia related to calcium deficiency?

Problem description: This week I have experienced insomnia and dreaminess, which will also be accompanied by symptoms of calf cramps. It is suspected to be calcium deficiency. Is there any relationship between insomnia and calcium deficiency? Date of problem: 2020-11-01 Patient information: Age: 32 Gender: MaleInsomnia and calcium deficiency are generally not available Relationship. Calcium deficiency is mainly caused by the loss of calcium in the body with age, which.. Read More

Does rhinitis cause insomnia?

Problem description: In the past two days, I often have sneezing, runny nose, and insomnia. I suspect that I have rhinitis. Can rhinitis cause insomnia? Date of problem: 2020-11-01 Patient information: Age: 32 Gender: Female Rhinitis usually causes insomnia. After the onset of the disease, the patient will have nasal congestion and runny nose. At night, the nasal congestion will cause poor breathing, which affects sleep. If it is not.. Read More

Will weak spleen and stomach cause insomnia?

Problem description: Recently, I often have symptoms of spleen and stomach weakness, often insomnia and dreaminess, low spirits during the day, and weak spleen and stomach will cause insomnia? Question date: 2020-11-01 Patient information: Age: 32 Gender: FemaleSpleen deficiency can cause insomnia. However, spleen deficiency generally does not cause insomnia alone. Patients with weak spleen and stomach can also cause insomnia, because weak spleen and stomach can cause gastric dysfunction.. Read More