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ATM machines are gradually “disappearing”

This article is from WeChat official account:Beijing Business Daily (ID: BBT_JLHD) , author: Meng Xia, Song Yitong, editor: Zhang Lan, the original title: “disappearing ATM machine Shu said the banking industry was” the most useful inventions “, now a year to reduce 80000 Taiwan”, head picture from: IC photo The ATM machine was once called the “most useful invention” in the banking industry, but under the impact of mobile payments,.. Read More

Red bumps and itching all over the body in the middle of the night

Problem description: When I was sleeping last night, I suddenly had skin itching and some red bumps. I got red bumps and itchy all over my body in the middle of the night. What’s the matter? Question date:2020-10-17 Patient information:Age: 30 Gender: FemaleI have red bumps and itching all over the body in the middle of the night It may be caused by inflammation, infection or allergies. Symptoms such as.. Read More

Behind the hustle and bustle of Xiaomi making cars: What do we need to reflect on?

The industry needs to be wary of the focus of competition falling into the competition of short-term sales and customer acquisition, marketing battles, and cost-effective competition. Editor’s note: This article from the micro-channel public number “micro hot Review” (ID: redianweiping), of: Wangxin Xi. The issue of whether Xiaomi can build a car has been discussed. How difficult is it for Xiaomi to build a car? It’s still unclear. From the.. Read More

Red bumps and itchy back after midnight

Problem description: In the past two days, I have always had red bumps on my back in the middle of the night, and it is also very itchy. What is the reason for the red bumps on my back after midnight? Question date:2020-10-16 Patient information: Age: 26 Gender: MaleRed bumps on the back after midnight Itching is caused by allergies. At the same time, it is also related to personal.. Read More

Monster Charging IPO: Holding 30% of the market share but no pricing power

The price war will cover the entire life cycle of the industry. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “brocade” (ID: jinduan006), Author: Gu Yue. This article is written based on publicly available information, and is only used for information exchange and does not constitute any investment advice. Monster Charging (NASDAQ:EM) landed on Nasdaq last night, and the shared power bank industry ushered in the first share… Read More

Why do you get herpes

Problem description: In the past two days, I often eat spicy and irritating foods on my diet, causing itching and herpes symptoms on the skin. Why did she develop herpes? Date of problem:2020-10-18 Patient information:Age: 30 Gender: FemaleHerpes may be self-resistance Decrease in power, caused by virus infection. It may be caused by relatively weak resistance or immune factors. It is not ruled out that it is caused by too.. Read More

First issue | “Transfer Group” received US$390 million in financing, and its revenue has doubled for three consecutive years

In this round, GBA Greater Bay Area Fund and Qingyue Fund Investment learned that Zhuanzhuan Group had received a total of US$390 million in investment from GBA Greater Bay Area Fund and Qingyue Fund before the Spring Festival. According to reports, this is the first financing since the strategic merger of Zhuanzhuan and Find Liangji to form a new Zhuanzhuan group in May 2020. Zhuanzhuan is positioned as an idle.. Read More

Economic analysis hidden behind the virtual world

This article is from WeChat official account:rct studio (ID: gh_1fbdf914e282)< span class = "text-remarks">, author: rct studio, from FIG head: “player number” stills “People tend to forget that the world we live in is just a game designed by our governments. Our economic systems are just a game.” — CCP Chief Executive Officer Hilmar Petursson. We live in a random world, and randomness seems to make this world more real,.. Read More

What herbs can remove scars

Problem description: I used to eat herbs for everything I was ill. Now I have a big scar on my face and I want to take herbs for treatment. May I ask what herbs can remove scars? Question date: 2020-10-15 Patient information: Age: 34 Gender: Male Badger oil can remove scars. Badger seed oil is difficult to remove scars, but it can be used as an auxiliary treatment. Badger oil.. Read More

Luo Yonghao turned into an emotional anchor and opened the first live chat room, Yang Li, Li Dan, and Cai Kangyong are all here

Break the circle, break the circle and then break the circle, how many laps does Luo Yonghao have to break? Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “love child norm” (ID: ifanr), Author: Wu Zhiqi. A good friend and an ex-girlfriend are in love, what should I do? My boyfriend cries whenever he quarrels, what’s the situation? How to make a rich woman fall in love with.. Read More