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People broke the news that Nongfushanquan violated the EIA construction, and Nongfushanquan did not respond at the moment

The article is from WeChat public account: Interface News (ID: wowjiemian) , author: Zhao Xiaojuan, from the title figure: Figure worm “It is true to get approval. Whether Nongfu Spring is involved in illegal operations is still inconclusive.” “It’s boring to avoid it without talking or avoiding it.” This is Qiang Wen’s comment on his Weibo on January 13th at 3:30 in the Weibo on a survey report on the.. Read More

“Shangshang” net red plum, this shoe company welcomes 14 daily limits, the market value soars 15 billion

Our influencers are powerful. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ Public reference ” (ID: gongkaicankao ), Author Xu Yiting, editor Du Boqi . Yesterday, there was another daily limit on Saturday! This is the 14th daily limit of this women’s shoes listed company since December 12, 2019. In just one month, the stock price on Saturday rose from 7.2 yuan to 26.07 yuan, and the market.. Read More

When child abuse becomes the “normal”

This article is from the public number: Occurrence (ID: to-cure-sometimes) < / a> , author: iso-left, from the title figure: Figure insects creative To date, the mandatory reporting system in the United States has become increasingly stringent. In addition to the clarification of the idea of ​​”reporting obligations whenever there is doubt”, workers who have access to children’s information are also required to conceal the facts of child abuse and.. Read More

Self-made courses, “Wanmen University” formed a multi-category curriculum system covering K12 to the workplace

There may be 10,000 courses at Wanmen University. When it comes to MOOC, most people think of foreign platforms such as Cousera, Udacity, and edX, and when it comes to MOOC in China, there is no platform to speak out. This has a lot to do with the development strategy of China’s MOOC platform. Most MOOC platforms have chosen to embrace higher education-the curriculum matches higher education, and users are.. Read More

For cancer, should it be detected early, diagnosed and treated early?

This article is from WeChat public account: Back to Park (fanpu2019) , author: He Xiaosong, Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash Key points 1 Colorectal and cervical cancer-screening is highly recommended 2 Thyroid cancer-against screening 3 Screening for prostate cancer-proceed with caution 4 breast cancer screening-recommended, but urgently needed to improve In China, the United States and many other countries, cancer is the second leading cause of death, second only.. Read More

Forefront | Google may acquire CRM overlord Salesforce for up to $ 250 billion

Without the help of acquisitions, Google’s goal of “becoming the second largest cloud service provider” may be difficult to achieve. According to foreign media “Business Insider”, Google has a potential intention to acquire Salesforce, the largest CRM cloud service provider in the United States, with a purchase price of up to 250 billion US dollars. If the acquisition comes true, Google is expected to become the world’s second largest cloud.. Read More

Zhang Chaoyang responded that employees were fined 500 yuan once for being late: capitalists had to exploit employees

This article is from the WeChat public account: Interface News (ID: wowjiemian) , author: Peng new head Figure source: Figure worm A few days ago, the “attendanceThe “new regulations” caused heated discussions, which mentioned that employees who arrived before 9:30, were fined 500 yuan for one time late, and were punished by a maximum of 1,000 yuan. Sohu responded that the punishment for attendance was greatly improved, and the core.. Read More

Didi still charges a service fee during the Spring Festival.

With the approach of the 2020 Spring Festival, each platform has also begun a new round of preparations. Editor’s note: This article comes from “ Future Car Daily ” (WeChat public account ID: auto-time), author: Jiaoman Ting. Author | Jiao Manting Edit | Xu Yang The Spring Festival travel plan for online car rental has been released. On January 13, Didi Chuxing said that according to Didi Chuxing’s platform data,.. Read More

In Li Chengru’s eyes, the entertainment industry is all emperors wearing new clothes

The article is from WeChat public account: New Weekly (ID: new-weekly) < span class = "text-remarks">, author: Lu Yiming, title figure from: “Please cast in place” In “Private Customization”, Li Chengru plays a director of “Ya Allergy”. Everyone knows that Xiaoxianmei has poor acting skills. Why is the market still attracting them? Everyone knows that old acting bones have good acting skills. Why do they often fail to perform and.. Read More

Terriers are fun but not easy to sell

Young people play stalks online, but few bring them to life and even wear them. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “燃 财” (ID: rancaijing ), Author 赵磊, edition editor Zhou Yifan . After the Spring Festival in 2019, many people ’s WeChat circle of friends was screened. At the time, in the popular science fiction movie “Wandering Earth”, there was a magical brainwashing traffic prompt.. Read More