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Why is American society “fascinated” by the witch hunt?

This article is from WeChat official account:Economic Observer Book Review (ID: eeobook), author: gold Mountain (East China Normal University, Center for American studies), the original title: “logic and witch hunting witch’s shadow: American literature of the Cold War mentality,” head Figure from: vision China One day in late May 1692, Ann Foster rode a long pole across oak bushes, across treetops, fields, and fences, flying over mossy swamps and criss-crossing.. Read More

Qu Shi said the ghost snake girl

On the banks of the Ruhe River in the Eastern Henan Plain, 17 kilometers southeast of Suya Lake, lies a simple small village-the ancient village. This place has beautiful scenery and rich products. It is famous all over the country and even the world for its sesame and sesame oil. I was born here. One morning in the summer of 1986, I was not happy enough to receive the university.. Read More

Ghost Hitomi

She can see what others can’t see because she has another pair of ghost pupils. She has been ostracized since she was a child, and the friends around her are unwilling to play with her. Even the adults in their family talk to her and stay away. But there is only one little boy who has never been afraid of her since childhood. He likes to play with her. Whenever.. Read More

Zhangzidao: From glory to loneliness

The fishing volume exceeded 100 catties, and the annual income exceeded 10 million yuan. What is the concept of ten million yuan in 1973? The pork at that time was 80 cents a catty. In 1982, Zhangzidao ushered in a critical period of development. The commune introduces high-quality shrimp, fish, and scallop seedlings from Japan, which are cultivated and put into the sea, and then harvested after many years. It.. Read More

Negative reviews of online ghost stories

Believe, every bag has its own life, please treat them kindly. c2(); “Cut, it seems to be true.” Feifei casually threw the seller’s letter back to the trash can, and then looked at this new mail I already have a bag of the same model, and it’s useless to send it to me. At this time, 198,000 seems to be no different from 19 yuan. Sell it? Give away? No,.. Read More

The downward channel of customer unit price is gone forever

The path of adult education downwards to detect the unit price per customer is full of arduous operations and no return. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat official account “Qunxiang Liu boss” (ID: applemanliu641), author : Liu Siyi who loves to learn. Many people will teach me a lesson for 1.5 years. I said that the long-term sustainability comes from the market scale, and the market scale comes.. Read More

The boundary problem of the “1 hour traffic circle” in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

A Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen intercity line runs through three cities, connecting the Mainland and Hong Kong, involving railway stations, airports, cross-border ports, and intercity, The intersection of subways and other rail lines is the epitome of the blueprint of the “1 hour traffic circle” in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It also brings the problem of breaking the boundaries of rail transit construction in the Greater Bay Area to the table… Read More

Listen to your heartbeat

Section 1: I’m Awei “One, two, three…… Sixteen…… Twenty five……” Since I had a heart transplant, His girlfriend Tongtong often flips through the calendar on the wall, and then sits for a long time. “Tongtong, what’s the matter with you? I will ask you to marry me when my body is fully restored. You count a few days every day, are you waiting a little anxious?” I stretched out from.. Read More

Scarf of Modern Liao Zhai

Xiao Ming likes scarves, especially white ones. He wears a white scarf around his neck three seasons a year. The scarf was not given by others, but he bought it at the mall himself. I bought it when I was 18, and it has been 8 years now. In the blink of an eye, it was summer, and people on the street were wearing short-sleeved shorts, and Xiao Ming had.. Read More